
Suppliers' News

New Century software release

Format International Ltd has released a new version of its software

Format International Ltd has released a new version of New Century™ software.

This release once again brings together Format's policy of continual improvement of the software and feedback from users to provide significant advances in functionality. Highlights include:

A range of new functionality, tools and reports are available in Single-Mix® including -

  •  New reports menu containing edit and view screens which can be configured according to your own preference.
  •  Seamless integration with the FreeForm™ reporting tool.
  •  New user-configurable interactive screens in optimisation.
  •  Highlight of raw materials that violate their minimum weighing quantity in the optimisation solution.

Multi-Mix®, Bin-Mix™ and Parametrics™
Multi-Mix®, Bin-Mix™ and Multi-Mix Parametrics™ have all been re-written to enable the relationship constraints which were previously available only in Single-Mix®. These constraints permit the control of interactions between nutrients, raw materials or groups of raw materials.

Includes significant enhancements, particularly:

  •  Integration with Bio-Security™ - Bio-Security checks can now be performed seamlessly when formulations and associated data are copied into Tracer™. The scenario can only be created if the formulations pass the Bio-Security™ check.
  •  Integration with Smart Label™ - Labels generated in Smart Label™ are now stored automatically in the relevant scenario in Tracer™.
    Smart Label™
  • A new wysiwyg editor is included for the maintenance of labels, templates and messages. With full cut and paste facilities, the editor significantly enhances the speed and efficiency of the program.

The premier optimisation tool for the petfood industry includes many new transactions and reports including:

  •  New optimisation options which give the possibility of fixing any component in the product hierarchy so that a stored formula is used, rather than the component being re-optimised. This allows optimisation of the product whilst taking into account components already manufactured.
  •  New comparison tool which alows the comparison of specifications with the possibility to copy selected constraints from one to the other.

Other enhancements include:

  •  Interfacing tools: Regional settings - All exports and imports are now able to work with your local regional settings for decimal and delimiter symbols, offering smoother integration with third party programs, for example, spreadsheets.
  •  Interfacing tools: ODBC drivers - This is the first main release of NC™ software in conjunction with the NC™ ODBC driver which offers open access to the formulation database. 
  •  FreeForm™ - FreeForm™ is now fully integrated with the NC™ system so that reports can be designed, previewed or produced directly from your NC™ application.

Full release notes will be distributed with the new version. They may also be downloaded from the support area of this website.