
Suppliers' News

New Contract Dispute Resolution Services from Hammersmith Marketing

Hammersmith Marketing will be to offer DISPUTE RESOLUTION services and advice, opinions and support on contracts, tenders, arbitration and general trade matters to buyers and sellers in their region.

Over the past few months, perhaps as a result of being President of GAFTA for 2002, I have found that a great many people in this region have questions pertaining to GAFTA contracts, arbitrations, mediation, charter parties, insurance, etc.

It seemed to me that there is a need for someone in the region to be able to answer questions on these matters and to assist buyers -- and sellers -- where required, when there are problems and disputes.

Effective at the beginning of next month we will be offering DISPUTE RESOLUTION services and advice, opinions and support on contracts, tenders, arbitration and general trade matters.

With over 30 years in the Grain trade and many, many years of experience with GAFTA and NAEGA terms, charter parties, letters of credit and other trade matters our office is highly qualified to provide a valuable service to the industry: for sellers, buyers, end users, traders, millers.

One further point, not only do we understand the trade but after 25 years of direct business in North Africa, East Africa, the Middle East, the Levant and the Mediterranean Basin we are very well versed in the cultural approach required for successful business and business relationships.

We look forward to assisting you in your business.

When you have questions call Hammersmith and when you have a dispute don't call a lawyer until you call Hammersmith.


Wayne Bacon

See us at Agrena 2003 -- Cairo June 12/14, 2003

HAMMERSMITH Marketing Ltd ----
Bldg 14/1, Suite 12. Digla Zone 5, New Nerco, Cairo Egypt 11435
Egypt: ph: (20.2) 519.9279 fax: 516.6049 mob: (20.10) 122.0450
USA: fax 1.212.504.8033 UK fax #1: 44.20.7681.1577
UK fax #2: 44.0870.922.3931 UK mobile: 44.07792.277.660