
Suppliers' News

Novel Aqua Binder from Norel

Norel has developed a new binder for aquafeeds that enhances water stability, and is highly suitable for slow feeding species such as shrimp.

Norel has developed a new binder for aquafeeds that enhances water stability, and is highly suitable for slow feeding species such as shrimp.

In addition to a nutritious balanced composition, efficiency of feed for aquatic organisms also largely depends on technological criteria such as durability, water stability and its adaptation to the target species. When using high levels of vegetable ingredients, even small changes in the formulations can have profound effects on the physical properties of the extruded feed.

The characteristics of pellets may be adversely affected by a higher fines fraction, lower fat absorption capacity, buoyancy changes / sink rate and this in turn affects both performance and environmental burdens associated with feed.

In order to overcome these challenges in feed manufacturing for aquaculture species, NOREL has designed a specific binder for aqua-feeds. Its development is aimed at enhancing water stability, thus increasing the time in the water for the feed to be ingested without losing any of its physicochemical characteristics. It is particularly suitable for slow feeding species such as shrimp.

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