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Nuseed secures Canadian feed approvals for omega-3 canola oil

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) determined that Nuseed’s Omega-3 Canola meal is safe for use in livestock feeds and the oil is safe for use in fish feeds. It was also approved for cultivation.

Nuseed secures Canadian feed approvals for omega-3 canola oil

Nuseed’s DHA canola crude oil and meal has been deemed safe for aquaculture and livestock feed, respectively, according to Canada’s relevant regulatory authorities. Nuseed Americas Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nufarm Limited, also received the confirmation that its proprietary DHA refined canola oil is also safe for human consumption.

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) determined that Nuseed’s Omega-3 Canola meal is safe for use in livestock feeds and the oil is safe for use in fish feeds. CFIA further confirmed that Nuseed’s Omega-3 Canola poses no increased environmental risk compared to other cultivated canola and is approved for cultivation.

Nuseed’s Omega-3 Canola fills the gap between how much omega-3 is needed to support human and animal nutrition and how little the ocean can sustainably provide. It has a unique DHA-rich fatty acid profile and has been developed as an alternative to fish oil to be included in aquafeeds (marketed as Aquaterra®) and for human nutrition (marketed as Nutriterra®).

Nuseed group executive, Brent Zacharias, said the Canadian regulatory approvals are an important milestone in the development and commercialization of Omega-3 Canola, a transformational business opportunity. “Canada is the third largest producer of farmed salmon globally. These approvals position Nuseed to supply the Canadian market with an oil that has been shown to deliver fish health benefits and enable industry sustainability goals; particularly in reducing the reliance on scarce marine ingredients. Given Canada’s position as the largest canola production country, approval also ensures our future scalability, giving us access to a key expansion market,” said Zacharias.

Nuseed partners with growers on strict identity-preserved contracts and adheres to the highest stewardship standards in production, having achieved Excellence Through Stewardship (ETS) certification. The company is progressing additional regulatory applications in other relevant markets around the world.