
Suppliers' News

Nuseed's canola oil to partially replace fish oil in aquafeeds

Nuseed completed its commercial-scale fish trials to prove that Aquaterra® can be used as a partial replacement for fish oil in aquafeeds with decreased fish mortality and improved nutrition in the fillet.

Nuseed’s canola oil to partially replace fish oil in aquafeeds

Nuseed completed its fish trials to prove that Aquaterra®, the company’s proprietary canola that provides omega-3 fatty acids, can partially replace fish oil in aquafeeds.

The trial results showed that Aquaterra® can be used as a partial replacement for fish oil in aquafeed. The commercial-scale trials, undertaken in Chile, demonstrated the inclusion of Aquaterra in fish feed results in decreased fish mortality, reduced dependency on foraged fish ingredients and improved nutrition in the fillet.

Nuseed partnered with leading salmon producers and feed suppliers to conduct commercial-scale feeding trials in the largest study of its type with a new feed ingredient. The trials were conducted over an 18-month period with three million fish across three sites. Safety, performance and quality parameters were measured in Aquaterra® and control diet groups and confirmed Aquaterra® provides an all-around improvement to fish health and aquaculture sustainability.

“This study demonstrates Aquaterra® is a highly effective, sustainable complement to fish oil for the aquaculture industry which, until now, has been reliant on limited marine ingredients. It’s the first step in Nuseed addressing global challenges through the power of plants and agriculture,” said Benita Boettner, Nuseed global general manager omega-3.

Download the study here.