
Suppliers' News

OLVEA releases corporate social responsibility performance report

The group has become a leading supplier of vegetable and fish oils for the cosmetic, pharmaceutical, food and feed industries.

OLVEA releases corporate social responsibility performance report

Sustainability has always been one of the core values of OLVEA, a major supplier of vegetable and fish oils. The group goes further by publishing OLVEAct Now, its first corporate social responsibility performance report.

Located in Normandy, France since 1929, OLVEA has 12 subsidiaries and 250 employees worldwide. Throughout the years, the group has become a leading supplier of vegetable and fish oils, intended for the cosmetic, pharmaceutical, food and feed industries.

The group made the decision to develop its supply chains in the native countries where the raw materials are from in order to participate in their development and reduce the carbon footprint of its productions. The last two plants were built in Burkina Faso for the Shea butter production in 2016 and in Normandy for the oils eco-refining in 2018, and were eco-designed in order to have the lowest possible environmental impact.

Since 2018, the group has formalized its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) approach with dedicated leading employees and through a policy and action plan that are accompanied by ambitious and quantifiable goals with OLVEA’s 100th anniversary in 2029 in mind. In 2020, OLVEA goes even further by releasing OLVEAct Now. This CSR performance report lists all of the group’s CSR actions, initiatives and commitments that are linked to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of the United Nations, of which OLVEA has been a Global Compact signatory since 2015.

Download the report here.