
Suppliers' News

Probiotic P. acidilactici MA18/5M: a sustainable and profitable solution for shrimp production

Lallemand-IFREMER joint research project unveiled at WAS Aqua 2006 Conference (Florence)

Probiotic P. acidilactici MA18/5M: a sustainable and profitable solution for shrimp production

The firsts results of a joint research project between Lallemand and IFREMER (French Research Institute for the Exploitation of the Sea) were presented at the WAS Aqua 2006 Conference by Mathieu Castex (PhD student), who conducts his research in New Caledonia, at the IFREMER research station.

This project shows the positive impact of probiotic bacteria Pediococcus acidilactici MA 18/5M (Bactocell®) administration on shrimps zootechnical performances and survival to opportunistic infections. Backed by previous production trials in shrimps and sound scientific evidences of the modes of action of Bactocell in monogastrics, this study confirms the potential of Bactocell in shrimp. It also shows the commitment of Lallemand to research and development to adapt and document its probiotic strains for the aquaculture industry.

Previous field trials conducted in Viet Nam (Vung Tau Center for Shrimp Research and Production) and in China (Aquaculture Science Institute Shengzhen Dapeng Trial Center) showed the benefits of probiotic Bactocell on Shrimp Juvenile Penaeus monodon  growth rate, survival rate, and microbiological status. The first results presented by M. Castex constitute a proof of concept, validating and showing the reproducibility of these results, both in tanks and in ponds. Growth of Litopenaeus stylirostris shrimps was increased by about 30% in ponds, while resistance to vibrio infections was also improved. The winter syndrome (syndrome 93), caused by Vibrio penaeicida when the water temperature decreases below 22°C, has had significant impact on New Caledonia shrimp industry in the past years.

The syndrome is responsible for mortality rates of about 60%. After 30 days supplementation with Bactocell, with tanks temperature variations between 25°C and 20°C, shrimps survival rate was increased by more than 75% compared to control. Shrimps gut microbiological studies illustrated these findings, showing a significant reduction of vibrio population in the gut of shrimps fed Bactocell.

In a second part of the project, IFREMER scientists are investigating the modes of action of the probiotic in the animal gut by further looking at its effects on gut microbiology, nutrition physiology and enzymology, immune response and oxidative stress. Previous results indicate that Bactocell could improve immune response and digestive functions. The next step is then the scaling-up of these findings in commercial farm trials, in order to confirm the efficacy and profitability of Bactocell supplementation at production level.

Lallemand, Inc. is a privately held Canadian company specialised in yeast, bacteria and yeast derivatives, for animal nutrition, baking, winemaking and pharmaceutical industries. Lallemand is the only major supplier of yeast and bacteria that is a primary producer of both.

Lallemand Animal Nutrition is dedicated to the development, production, and marketing of yeast, bacteria and high value yeast derivatives for agricultural and aquaculture applications. Core products are live bacteria for probiotics and silage inoculants, active dry yeast for probiotics, and inactive yeast mineral supplements. The company also supplies a range of related animal health and nutrition products, including yeast cell fractions and mineral enriched yeasts. Lallemand is a major supplier of probiotics and silage inoculants in Europe and North America. It also has a growing presence in Asia, Africa, and South America. For additional information please visit

Ifremer is a public institute of industrial and commercial nature. Ifremer’s missions are to conduct and promote basic and applied research, make expert assessment reports and take action for technological and industrial development intend to identify, evaluate and enhance marine resources and enable their sustainable exploitation ; improve methods of monitoring, forecasting trends, protecting and enhancing marine and coastal environments ; encourage the economic development of maritime activities.

Ifremer’s activities are coastal environment management, marine living resource management, ocean research, engineering and marine technology, ocean research vessels management.