
Suppliers' News

Prokon Nord and Jäckering Strategic Partnership for Marketing of Wheat Gluten

Partnership will ensure that Jackering can logistically and quantitatively serve global wheat gluten community

Prokon Nord and Jäckering Strategic Partnership for Marketing of Wheat Gluten

At the beginning of 2008 PN Bioethanol Elbewerk GmbH & Co. KG and Jäckering Mühlen- und Nährmittelwerke GmbH, Hamm, Germany, signed a strategic partnership for the marketing of wheat gluten.

In the course of 2008 PN Bioethanol Elbewerk GmbH & Co. KG will start its bioethanol production in Stade, Lower Saxony (GER), with an estimated wheat input of 270,000 tons and an ethanol output of approximately 100,000m³ per annum. Wheat gluten will be separated as a co-product and will be exclusively sold worldwide by Jäckering. The production site of Prokon Nord located on the former property of Hydro Aluminium GmbH near the Elbe deepwater port offers attractive logistical advantages; not only raw materials but also finished products can be delivered by boat, rail or road.

Jäckering Mühlen- und Nährmittelwerke GmbH has an annual capacity of more than 270,000 tonnes of wheat and produces 200,000 tonnes of flour. A large proportion of the flour is directly supplied to the starch and gluten production where approximately 140,000 tonnes of native wheat starch and 22,000 tonnes of vital wheat gluten are produced. Due to their extensive experience in gluten production and sales Jäckering is an outstanding partner for Prokon Nord.

The new strategic partnership will ensure that Jackering can logistically and quantitatively serve the global wheat gluten community.