
Suppliers' News

Research shows oregano essential oil as strategic tool for vibriosis prevention

An independent trial showed that its inclusion in shrimp diets significantly improved shrimp survivability when challenged by Vibrio parahaemolyticus.

Shrimp harvesting at the end of the feeding trial. Credits: Anpario

An independent trial conducted at Nong Lam University, Vietnam, showed that the inclusion of Anpario’s Orego-Stim Forte to the diets of Litopenaeus vannamei significantly improved shrimp survivability when challenged by Vibrio parahaemolyticus (+17.5%), a pathogen estimated to cause annual losses of over USD 1 billion in global shrimp production.

Results indicated lower Vibrio counts, higher total haematocyte counts (THC) and higher levels of phenoloxidase in groups supplemented with Orego-Stim Forte.

Lawrence Brown, senior technical & account manager at Anpario, said that “there is growing interest in plant extracts as aquafeed additives to improve the gut health, performance, and disease resilience of farmed aquatic species. This trial demonstrates the potential of Orego-Stim Forte as a functional feed ingredient for vibriosis prevention in shrimp. A conservative estimate is that the increase in survival rates observed using Orego-Stim Forte would deliver an 8:1 return of investment to the farmer.”

Oregano oil sources have many well-documented properties, including antimicrobial, antioxidant and immunomodulatory functions. Orego-Stim Forte, developed and manufactured by independent feed additive manufacturer Anpario, is a phytogenic feed additive formulated from a unique source of 100% natural oregano essential oil and quillaja saponins.