
Suppliers' News

Saudi Arabia approves SCP for aquafeed applications

Unibio’s single-cell protein has been officially approved by the Saudi Food and Drug Authority for use in aquaculture applications.

67d93cae3f12e8d35a9d9735_Uniprotein® Receives SFDA Approval for Saudi Market
Credits: Unibio

Unibio’s single-cell protein, Uniprotein®, has been officially approved by the Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA) for use in aquaculture applications. Following a comprehensive review process that began in April 2023, the SFDA has confirmed the safety of Uniprotein® for use in feed for fish, shrimp, and crustaceans. With this approval, Uniprotein® is now cleared for sale to the Saudi feed industry and can be tested under commercial conditions, reinforcing the significant benefits of microbial single-cell protein.

“We are pleased to announce that Uniprotein® has been approved for aquaculture applications in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). This is a significant step into KSA, a key region that is working towards feed and food self-sufficiency under the Vision 2030 program, while increasing local fish production,” said Olivier Hartz, CCO at Unibio.

Saudi Arabia has joined a growing list of countries where Uniprotein® has been already approved for use in animal feed. The list includes several territories such as the European Union, Japan, India, Thailand, Russia, and Chile. The expanding list of approvals highlights confidence in Uniprotein® as a safe protein source in regulated feed markets.

In 2023, Unibio raised USD 70 million from Saudi Industrial Investment Group (SIIG) to roll out a new global production capacity.