Supawean product now available
DigsFish Services Pty Ltd has directed several years of research and development into synthetic fish attractants and we are continuing to find them useful in a range of applications. One exciting new product is Supawean, which has been designed to help overcome a well known bottleneck that occurs during weaning of cultured fish and shellfish onto inert diets. Trials conducted at an intensive growout facility in Queensland, Australia applied Supawean powder to the outside of an inert crumble used to wean two batches of Murray cod (Maccullochella peelii, n = 150,000) at a rate of 5% w/w (50 g supawean to 1 kg of crumble) for 4 weeks beginning at the initiation of weaning. The results from these trials showed a more successful weaning process ensued, resulting in a significant (p<0.05) increase in growth performance after one month (mean fingerling weight 2.6 grams) compared to the usual growth performance seen over the previous 4 years from 530,000 fish (mean 1.7 grams, range 1.5-1.9 grams) (Figure 2).
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