
Suppliers' News

TASA wins IFFO Leadership and Innovation award

TASA was presented with the IFFO Leadership and Innovation award by IFFO President Mike Copeland at the 56th Annual Conference\'s Gala Dinner. This is the second year that IFFO has held the awards, selected by the IFFO Management Board. The award had previously been split into two categories with TASA submitting substantial applications for both. TASA’s strong focus on R&D won the Board’s approval for the Leadership part of the award. For the innovation part of the award, TASA won for their SUMAQ project Businesswomen of Huanta.

TASA was presented with the IFFO Leadership and Innovation award by IFFO President Mike Copeland at the 56th Annual Conference\'s Gala Dinner.  This is the second year that IFFO has held the awards, selected by the IFFO Management Board.

The award had previously been split into two categories with TASA submitting substantial applications for both.  It proved exceptionally difficult to decide which of the many impressive applications deserved to win the awards. After a vote, the majority of the board members agreed that TASA should win both the Leadership and Innovation Awards. At the Gala Dinner, Mr Copeland congratulated all the applicants for their hard work and presented the award to Humberto Speziani, Director of TASA.

TASA’s strong focus on R&D won the Board’s approval for the Leadership part of the award.  In December 2015, TASA and the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, jointly won the \"Basic research projects and Applied research projects” competition organized by the National Council of Science, Technology and Technological Innovation (CONCYTEC), to develop the project entitled: \"Evaluation of the effect of oral administration of collagen peptides of anchovy on bone metabolism and the mechanism of tissue scarring in ovariectomised animals\" which is currently under development.

The development of collagen peptides is intended to produce a product that meets chemical and functional properties required by the market and that also constitutes a safe and effective treatment to combat osteoporosis and skin alterations generated by the loss of oestrogens in the post-menopausal period.  The product will provide added value and at the same time allow the population to benefit directly from the utilization of this natural resource.

For the innovation part of the award, TASA won for their SUMAQ project Businesswomen of Huanta. Started in 2015, the project is a combined effort through a public-private alliance between  TASA, the  Universidad Nacional  Agraria  La  Molina,  the  Ministry  of  Production, the  District  Municipality  of  Huanta-  Ayacucho  and  SANIPES,  with  the Fundación  Acción  Contra  el  Hambre  as operator.

The purpose of the SUMAQ Project is to increase the availability and consumption of fish in families of the districts of Huanta, in the Region of Ayacucho, south of Peru, through the promotion of business enterprise, technological innovation and community awareness actions to encourage good practices of healthy nutrition.

Learn more about the IFFO Annual Conference