
Suppliers' News

TripleNine awarded IFFO Global Standard for Responsible Supply

Danish fishmeal supplier, TripleNine has been awarded IFFO certification for responsible supply for fishmeal and fish oil

TripleNine awarded IFFO Global Standard for Responsible Supply

Danish fishmeal supplier, TripleNine has been awarded IFFO certification for responsible supply for fishmeal and fish oil.

The IFFO standard is based on the same principles as MSC in terms of approval of fishing. However, while the MSC certification only involves approval of the fishing; the IFFO standard also ensures that the producer has a third-party approved traceability system and a HACCP quality control system. This helps ensure food safety for the consumers.

Nils Christian Jensen, Managing Director, TripleNine Pharma A/S said the large supermarket chains in England asked IFFO to develop this standard, partly because they wanted to sell sustainably farmed salmon. The standard was developed with the participation of a broad spectrum of specialists and interested parties, including fishmeal producers, fish feed producers, fish farmers, fish processing companies, supermarkets, NGOs and certification experts.

The Association of Danish Fishmeal and Fish Oil Industries asked IFFO/Global Trust to assess  Danish industrial fish, such as Norway spout, sand eel and sprat in the North Sea and the Baltic respectively, in relation to the standard. Now,  Norway spout and sand eel fishing have been certified as being carried out and monitored satisfactorily. As TripleNine already has an approved traceability system in the form of the MSC Chain of Custody as well as a quality control system, GMP B1, the company has now also received the IFFO Certificate for Responsible Supply for fishmeal and fish oil produced from Norway spout and sand eel. Approval of the sprat fishing requires some additional data before a decision can be made.

Writing in the TripleNine Newsletter, Jensen said six types of fishing and 40 factories around the world had been certified according to the new standard. As a result, there is now a reasonable supply certainty for what in ordinary parlance will be referred to as sustainable fishmeal and fish oil.

"Of course, the demand for these products came from the end users and supermarkets - and now they are available!", he said. "The market therefore no longer has any excuse for not showing an interest by purchasing them!"

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Tecnológica de Alimentos S.A. (TASA) of Peru is the first fishmeal and fish oil producer to achieve certification under the new IFFO Global Standard for Responsible Supply.