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Wilbur-Ellis Nutrition to acquire F.L. Emmert

Emmert delivers brewer’s yeast, protein, vitamins, and essential amino acids to support animal health.

Wilbur-Ellis Nutrition to acquire F.L. Emmert

Wilbur-Ellis Nutrition has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire F.L. Emmert, a leading manufacturer and marketer of advanced nutritional solutions for the pet and livestock industries.

Emmert is a 140-year-old, family-owned company with manufacturing operations in Cincinnati, Ohio, and 35-plus employees. “We look forward to welcoming the Emmert team and we’re excited about the capabilities this acquisition provides,” said Matt Fanta, president of Wilbur-Ellis Nutrition.

Emmert has a proven track record in animal nutrition, delivering the right balance of brewer’s yeast, protein, vitamins, and essential amino acids to support animal health. As a leader in expanding U.S. and global markets, Emmert is also known as an innovator with strong research and development capability.

“Emmert supports Nutrition’s strategic priorities and complements our three core businesses – pet, livestock and aquaculture,” Fanta said. “The acquisition will expand our product and customer base in pet food with value-added products. We also see great potential for Emmert’s research and development capabilities – which complement our own and can be leveraged in the future across the division, including the livestock and aquaculture businesses.”

Wilbur-Ellis president and chief executive officer, John Buckley, noted that “Emmert’s capabilities are a great fit for the Nutrition business, bringing greater balance and diversification to the division’s portfolio. The acquisition also supports the company’s broader strategy to continue building on our position as leading agriculture and food company in North America.”

Along with a strong business fit, Buckley and Fanta highlighted the similar values and culture of Emmert and Wilbur-Ellis. In 2021, Wilbur-Ellis celebrated its 100th anniversary and is one of the largest family-owned companies in the United States. With Emmert’s 140-year-plus history as a family-owned business, the two companies share a long-term view and similar values (articulated at Wilbur-Ellis as IDEAS, or integrity, diversity, effort, accountability and service).

“Wilbur-Ellis has a long history of growth through acquisition,” Fanta noted. “And in every case, having similar values has been an important consideration. With that in mind, we look forward to having such a strong, value-based organization like Emmert become part of the Wilbur-Ellis Nutrition business.”