

DSM halts animal grade vitamin A and reduces vitamin E production in Switzerland

With higher energy costs foreseen this winter, the company has decided to halt vitamin A production in Sisseln, Switzerland, which also impacts vitamin E production.


Royal DSM halts Rovimix® Vitamin A production in Sisseln, Switzerland, for at least two months commencing on January 2, 2023. Rovimix® Vitamin E-50 production will be significantly impacted as well due to its common upstream infrastructure.

At the start of November, DSM communicated to clients the necessity to enact price increases for its high-quality vitamins to justify the continuation of production in Europe in the current challenging cost environment. With higher energy costs foreseen this winter, DSM has decided to halt Rovimix® Vitamin A production in Sisseln, Switzerland, which also impacts Rovimix® Vitamin E-50 production.

Existing contractual commitments will be honored, and allocation procedures have been activated across the global production network to enact this in an orderly manner.