

EU authorizes insect proteins in poultry and pig feed

With this authorization, the demand for insects as feed is expected to grow, leading to an increase in the production capacity of the sector.

EU authorizes insect proteins in poultry and pig feed
Photo source: IPIFF

European Commission authorized the use of processed animal proteins derived from insects (insect PAPs) in poultry and pig feed. It is expected to enter into force later in September, twenty days after the publication in the EU Official Journal.

This authorization follows the approval of insect PAPs in aquaculture feed from July 2017 and will open two of the most relevant EU animal feed markets, which represent circa 65% of the EU compound feed production. Following the entry into force of this implementing regulation, the demand for insects as feed is expected to grow, leading to an increase in the production capacity of the sector.

“Our sector warmly welcomes this final step in the authorization process of insect proteins in poultry and pig feed,” stated International Platform of Insects for Food and Feed (IPIFF) president, Adriana Casillas. In line with the IPIFF policy roadmap, “this approval represents one of the key regulatory priorities of IPIFF since its establishment.” Seen as an instrumental step in upscaling the European insect sector, this approval will contribute to accelerating progress on the “Farm to Fork” objectives – as it will play a role in fostering circularity in food production while improving sustainability and self-sufficiency of the European livestock sector.