

EU Council agrees to extend EUDR application timeline

The Council will inform the European Parliament of its position to have the regulation formally enforced by the end of the year.

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The European Council agreed to postpone the date of application of the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) by 12 months.

This postponement will allow third countries, member states, operators and traders to be fully prepared for their due diligence obligations, and ensure that certain commodities and products sold in the EU or exported from the EU are deforestation-free. This includes products made of soy and palm oil, among others.

The deforestation regulation has already been enforced since June 29, 2023, and its provisions initially were to be applied from December 30, 2024. The Council agreed to the Commission’s proposal to postpone the application date of the regulation by one year.

Therefore, if agreed by the European Parliament, the obligations stemming from this regulation will be binding from December 30, 2025, for large operators and traders, and June 30, 2026, for micro- and small enterprises.

This would give legal certainty, predictability and sufficient time for a smooth and effective implementation of the rules, including fully establishing due diligence systems covering all relevant commodities and products. These due diligence systems include identifying deforestation risks in supply chains as well as monitoring and reporting measures to prove compliance with EU rules.

The Council will now inform the European Parliament of its position in view of the Parliament taking a decision on its position. The aim is to have the regulation formally adopted by both co-legislators and published in the Official Journal of the EU so that it can be enforced by the end of the year.

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