

FEFAC elects Pedro Cordero as president

FEFAC members aim to support the green transition of livestock and aquaculture farmers with circular feed solutions.


At FEFAC’s 68th general assembly, held during FEFAC’s 30th FEFAC Congress, Pedro Luis Cordero Castillo was elected FEFAC president for the next term 2023-2026. Cordero served as managing director of Nanta (Nutreco) Spain & Portugal. He is vice president of the Spanish Feed Industry Association (CESFAC).

“I look forward to representing the interests of the European Compound Feed and Premix Manufacturers in these challenging times, trying to buffer the impacts of the geopolitical crisis caused by the Russian aggression in Ukraine and climate change, which affect the economic sustainability of the EU livestock and aquaculture value chain,” Cordero said. “As FEFAC, we welcome and support the EU Commission's efforts to increase the resilience of our Agri-food systems to better withstand external shocks. This requires a full functioning of the single market and a level playing field for our livestock sector facing growing competition from imports not meeting the same high EU standards on sustainability and animal welfare. We will proactively contribute to the announced EU protein plan seeking to increase the EU’s feed and food autonomy for protein production.”

“Our industry can offer effective solutions to support our customers with climate change mitigation effects, such as raising protein efficiency and reducing emission intensity of animal products. Our collective investment and toolbox development adopting new technologies, including the use of “big database” tools, like our Global Feed LCA database, can help accelerate the uptake of more advanced feeding techniques at farm levels, as demonstrated in our latest publication. As FEFAC president, I will do my utmost to promote circular, sustainable feed solutions, integrating them into our best-practice professional recommendations to assist our customers with the transition to more sustainable production systems, as laid down in our FEFAC Sustainability Charter 2030,” Cordero stated.

The 68th General Assembly also elected a new FEFAC board:

  • Pedro Cordero, CESFAC, Spain - President
  • Asbjørn Børsting, DAKOFO, Denmark, Vice-President
  • Bernd Schmitz, DVT, Germany – Vice-President
  • Nicolas Coudry-Mesny, France – Vice-President
  • Zoltan Pulay, HGFA, Hungary – Vice President
  • Dirk van Thielen, BFA, Belgium
  • Elena Tsvetanova, BFMA, Bulgaria
  • Iani Chiaia, ANFNC, Romania
  • José Romão Braz, IACA, Portugal
  • Marcello Veronesi, ASSALZOO, Italy
  • Marek Kumprecht, SKK, Czech Republic
  • Ruud Tijssens, NEVEDI, The Netherlands
  • Sara Bell, AIC, United Kingdom
  • Wojciech Zarzycki, IZBA, Poland