

Zinpro launches Availa®Se across the European Union

The product’s unique selenium molecule offers research-proven superior nutrient absorption to optimize animal performance.

Zinpro launches Availa®Se across the European Union

After a thorough and rigorous examination by the European Commission, Zinpro Corporation announces that selenium trace mineral Availa®Se is now available for purchase across the European Union. Following recent regulatory approval in the EU for all-species use, Availa®Se (zinc-L selenomethionine) enables Zinpro to offer another unique product providing superior performance like no other in the EU marketplace. “It’s well known in the animal nutrition business how robustly the EC examines products before approval,” says Area Manager, Michael Bain. “We are very proud to report that Availa®Se not only received approval, but also obtained recognition as a unique molecule, with its own specific registration number (3b818), making it distinct from any other selenium product in the EU.” 

Availa®Se is based on an entirely unique molecule that offers animal-superior nutrition-related performance. It will be sold as a one-source organic selenium product across all species, including aquaculture for combination with other inorganic sources such as sodium selenite, if desired.

Zinpro research nutritionist, Christof Rapp notes that 100 percent of the selenium found in Availa®Se is selenomethionine, which is a much more pure and consistent form of selenium than the available selenium in yeast products. Also, the zinc chaperone in the Availa®Se molecule offers superior stability in the digestive system. “Because Availa®Se is readily available once ingested, it allows the animal to build selenium stores in muscle and other tissues,” he says. “These stores are utilized as antioxidants during stressful times.”

Zinpro is a company focused on performance trace mineral complexes and is widely recognized as the worldwide leader in trace mineral nutrition. Already available in many parts of the world, Availa®Se will be marketed in a 2000 ppm selenium formulation across Europe. Availa®Se utilizes similar patented technology as the company’s well-proven and time-tested Availa®Zn product to improve mineral stability and availability in the animal.