
Latin America

BioMar shares Coho performance in Chile

With an FCRb of 0.98 and an FCRe of 1.01, Cermaq's Colaco 4 harvested Coho salmon in 8.4 months with an average weight of 3.8 kilos.

BioMar shares Coho performance in Chile

BioMar reported Farmer of the Year 2020 results for Coho salmon highlighting Cermaq's Colaco 4 as the best productive result among its clients. With an FCRb of 0.98 and an FCRe of 1.01, the farm located in Los Lagos region harvested Coho salmon in 8.4 months with an average weight of 3.8 kilos and a productive strategy that used photoperiod and fed with New Power Akai.

Additionally, BioMar highlighted the work of Salmones Aysén, specifically the Milagro center, located in the Aysén Region. The center achieved a harvest weight of 4.7 kilos, fed on different diets, such as Quick Coho, Assist Jaundice and New Power Akai.

In the past few years, the Chilean salmon industry has increased the production of Coho salmon, a stable and predictable species but not without challenges such as early maturation and jaundice. BioMar provides specific feeds for the different challenges of Coho salmon farming, in addition to supporting their production strategies with a jaundice surveillance program and diets for the different stages. 
