

Salmon feed trial facility completed at Tasmanian hatchery

A new salmonid feed trial facility was built for Petuna Aquaculture, a collaboration between the company, BioMar, and Skretting, installed and commissioned by Fresh By Design.

Salmon feed trial facility completed at Tasmanian hatchery

A new salmonid feed trial facility was installed for Petuna Aquaculture, located at their Cressy Hatchery in Tasmania, announced Fresh By Design.

This facility is a collaboration between Petuna Aquaculture, BioMar, and Skretting that will be used to trial salmonid diets using the same water, fish, and staff that Petuna uses in its commercial runs enabling real-world testing. “This represents an exciting opportunity for the billion-dollar Tasmanian aquaculture industry to have the further refinement of commercial diets tailored to local conditions and practices,” Fresh By Design said.

The facility includes the ability to run 18 x 1000L tanks on flow through. Each tank features an automatic Arvo-Tec feeder with individual dosing control via the Wolf Controller or PC. Fresh By Design installed and commissioned the system with assistance from Petuna’s staff and Technolab.