An online database listing key biomarkers for five fish species (Atlantic salmon, rainbow trout, carp, European sea bass, gilthead sea bream) providing information of nutrient requirements and changes related to specific biological/metabolic processes
Database of Apparent Digestibility Coefficients (ADC)’s for macronutrients, amino acids and minerals for traditional and novel ingredients in rainbow trout and hybrid striped bass
DOAJ is an archive for free, fulltext, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals, managed by the Lund University Libraries.
The Pacific Community (SPC) is the principal scientific and technical organisation in the Pacific region, an international development organisation owned and governed by 26 country and territory members.
Feedipedia is an open access information system on animal feed resources that provides information on nature, occurrence, chemical composition, nutritional value and safe use of nearly 1400 worldwide livestock feeds. It is managed jointly by INRA, CIRAD, AFZ and FAO.
The La Perouse Library is a collection of specialized documents in all disciplines related to the knowledge, the study and the utilization of the oceans. Archimer is INFREMER's institutional repository that archives full texts and provides free access to records that include published articles, theses, conference papers and internal reports.
The IAFFD is comprised of two major modules: 1) the Feed Ingredient Composition Database (FICD) containing detailed information on the chemical composition and nutritional value of about 400 ingredients, and 2) the Aquaculture Species Nutritional Specifications Database (ASNS) including nutrient specifications for 26 species or groups of species that are commercially important in Asia and elsewhere.
A major international source for agriculture and related information
A new seafood database identifies the companies most exposed to overfishing, illegal fishing and other sustainability risks across the USD 1.8 trillion seafood supply chain.
The National Agricultural Library (NAL) digital collections. Here you will find full-text of current and historical research and information, including images on agriculture, food and the natural environment. Goals: Free 24/7 online access to full-text of agricultural literature Stable and sustainable storage for digital materials Permanent unchanging links (handles) to full-text documents Increased accessibility through AGRICOLA and Internet search engines Preserves the intellectual assets of USDA Centralized location for USDA publications