

Glossary S


Screened — Having separated various sized particles by passing over a screen.(Courser materials are separated by Sifting).

Scutellum — Cellular layer between germ and endosperm, rich in vitamin B1.

Seperation — Classification of particles by size, shape and/or density.

Seraration, Magnetic — Removal of ferrous material by magnetic attraction.

Sesame Seed — Seed of the sesame plant Sesamum indicum L.

Sesame Seed Expeller — By-product oil manufacture, obtained by pressing from seeds of the sesame plant.

Sesame Seed, Extracted — By-product of oil manufacture, obtaine dby extraction from seeds of the sesame plant.

Shrimp Meal — The undecomposed, dried and ground waste of theshrimp and contains part or all of the shrimp.

Sifted — Materials that have been passed through wire sieves to separate particles of different size.(Finer particles are separated by Screening)

Silo — A wheat storage bin, or collection of bins.

Skimmed Milk Powder, Sprayed, 'Hatmaker' or 'Rolle — skimmed-milk powder Product obtained by drying skimmed-milk either by vaporisation in a current of hot air (‘spray’ skimmed-milk powder) or by drying over cylinders (‘hatmaker’ or ‘roller’ skimmed-milk).

Sorghum — Sorghum bicolor L. Moench s.l.

Sorghum Gluten Feed — Dried by-product of the manufacture of sorghum starch It consists of bran and a smaller quality of gluten. Dried residues of the steeping liquors and the germ may be added.

Soy (US), Soya (UK) — A legume, Glycine max (L.) Merrill. Soy or soya can be used when describing the entire plant, crop or category of products derived from soybeans.

Soy / Soya Expeller — By-Product of oil manufacture, obtained by pressing from soya beans.

Soy / Soya Flour, Full Fat — Ground whole soybeans containing all of the original oil usually 18 to 20%. May be enzyme active, or heat-processed or toasted, to minimize enzyme action.

Soy / Soya Lecithin — Lecithin obtained from the degumming of soybean oil

Soy / Soya Oil, Crude — Sometimes referred to as crude raw soybean oil; the unrefined oil produced by any one of the procedures described for the extraction of oil from soybeans.

Soy / Soya Protein Concentrate — Prepared from high quality sound, clean, dehulled soybean seeds by removing most of the oil- and water- soluble nonprotein constituents and must contain not less than 65% protein on a moisture-free basis.

Soy / Soya Protein Isolate — The major proteinaceous fraction of soybeans prepared from dehulled soybeans by removing the majority of nonprotein components and must contain not less than 90% protein on a moisture-free basis.

Soy / Soya Seeds, Hulled, Extracted, Toasted — By-product of oil manufacture, obtained from hulled soya bean seeds by extraction and appropriate heat treatment.

Soy Concentrate, Texturized — Soy protein concentrate that has texture imparted by spinning a fiber and combining the fiber in layers to achieve the desired texture, or, by a thermoplastic extrusion process.

Soy Flour — The finely-powdered material resulting from the screened and graded product after removal of most of the oil from selected, sound, cleaned and dehulled soybeans by a mechanical or solvent extraction process.

Soy Flour Texturized — Soy flour that has texture imparted by spinning a fiber and combining the fiber in layers to achieve the desired texture, or, by a thermoplastic extrusion process. Please note that TVP (textured vegetable protein), is a trademark of Archer Daniels Midland Company).

Soy Grits — The granular material resulting from the screened and graded product after removal of most of the oil from selected, sound, clean and dehulled soybeans by a mechanical or solvent extraction process.

Soy Phosphate / Lecitin — The mixed phosphatide product obtained from soybean oil by a degumming process. It contains lecithin, cophalin and inositol phosphatides, together with glycerides of soybean oil and traces of tocopherols, glucosides and pigments. It must be designated and sold according to conventional descriptive grades with respect to consistency and bleaching.

Soy Protein Concentrate — Prepared from high-quality sound, clean, dehulled soybean seeds by removing most of the oil and water soluble non-protein constituents and most contain not less than 70 per cent protein on a moisture-free basis.

Soy Protein Isolate — Soy protein which has been removed and greatly concentrated from the soybean by chemical or mechanical means. It is generally produced by extracting protein from white flakes or flour with water or a mild alkali.

Soy Protein, Hydrolyzed — Made from soybean flours, concentrates or isolates, treated with an acid or a base or an enzyme and then dried.

Soy Protein, Texturized — Soy protein that has texture imparted by spinning a fiber and combining the fiber in layers to achieve the desired texture; or, by a thermoplastic extrusion process.

Soya / Soya, Extracted, Toasted — The actual seed of soy, soya.

Soybean Hay, Ground — The ground soybean plant including the leaves and beans. It must be reasonably free of other crop plants and weeds and must contain not more than 33 per cent crude fibre.

Soybean Hulls — Primarily the outer covering of the soybean.

Soybean Meal, Dehulled, Solvent Extracted — Ground flakes remaining after removal of most of the oil from dehulled soybeans by a solvent extraction process. It must contain not more than 3.3 per cent crude fiber. It may contain an inert non-toxic conditioning agent.

Soybean Meal, Kibbled — The product obtained by cooking ground solvent extracted soybean meal, under pressure and extruding from an expeller or other mechanical pressure device.

Soybean Meal, Mechanically Extracted — is the product obtained by grinding the cake or chips which remain after removal of most of the oil from soybeans by a mechanical extraction process.

Soybean Meal, Solvent Extracted — The product obtained by grinding the flakes which remain after removal of most of the oil from soybeans by a solvent extraction process.

Soybean Mill Feed — Soybean hulls and the offal from the tail of the mill which results from the manufacture of soy grits or flour. It must contain not less than 13 per cent crude protein and not more than 32 per cent crude fibre.

Soybean Mill Run — Soybean hulls and such bean meats that adhere to the hulls which results from normal milling operations in the production of dehulled soybean meal. It must contain not less than 11 per cent crude protein and not more than 35 per cent crude fibre.

Soybean Solubles, Condensed — The product obtained by washing Soy Flour or Soybean Flakes with water and acid at pH of 4.2 - 4.6. The wash water is then concentrated to a solid content of not less than 60 per cent.

Soybean Solubles, Condensed — Product resulting from the washing of soy flour or soybean flakes with water and acid; water, alkali and acid; or water and alcohol. The wash water is then concentrated to a solids content of not less than 50 per cent.

Soybean Solubles, Dried — Product resulting from the washing of soy flour or soybean flakes with water and acid; water, alkali and acid; or water and alcohol. The wash water is then dried.

Soybean, Ground — Ground whole soybeans without cooking or removing any of the oil.

Soybean, Ground, Extruded Whole — The meal product resulting from extrusion by friction heat and/or steam, whole soybeans without removing any of the component parts.

Soybeans / Soyabeans — The actual seed of soy, soya.

Soybeans, Heat Processed (Dry Roasted) — The product resulting from heating whole soybeans without removing any of the component parts. It may be ground, pelleted, flaked, or powdered. It must be sold according to its crude protein content.

Soybeans, Protein Modified — Soybean Product that has been processed to primarily modify the natural protein structure by utilising acids, alkalies or other chemicals and without removing significant amounts of any nutrient constituent.

Steep Water — Water containing soluble materials extracted by steep extraction.

Steeped, Steeped-Extracted — Soaked in water or other liquid to remove soluble materials.

Sterols — Solid cyclic alcohols which are the major constituents of the unsaponifiable portion of fats or oils.

Stick Water — The aqueous extract from processing or rendering of meat poroducts or fish, free from the fat or oil, containing the aqueous cell solutions of the fish or meat and any water used in processing.

Stillage — The mash from fermentation of grains after removal of alcohol by distillation.

Suction Filter Dust Collector — Collection of sleeves through which an exhaust fan draws its air for cleaning purposes.

Sugar (Sucrose) — Beet or cane surgar in solid form.

Sugar Beet — Beet vulgaris L., ssp. vulgaris var. altissima Doell.

Sugar Beet Molasses — By-product consisting of the syrupy residue collected during the manufacture or refining of beet sugar.

Sugar Beet Pulp, Dried, Plain — By-product of the manufacture of sugar, consisting of pulped and dried sugar beet slices.

Sugar Beet Slices, Dried — Product obtained by drying slices of washed sugar beet. Sugar beet slices dried, partially extracted Product obtained by drying washed partially extracted sugar beet slices.

Sugar Beet, Dried Tops and Leaves — Product obtained by artificially drying tops and leaves of sugar beet, washed, whether or not chopped.

Sugar Cane — Saccharum officinarum L.

Sugar Cane Molasses — By-product consisting of the syrupy residue collected during the manufacture of refining of sugar from sugar cane.

Sunflower Meal, Dehulled — mechanical extracted: Obtained by grinding the residue remaining after the extraction process.

Sunflower Meal, Dehulled, Solvent Extracted — Obtained by grinding the residue remaining after the extraction of most of the oil from dehulled sunflower seed by a solvent extraction process.

Sunflower Meal, Mechanically Extracted — Obtained by grinding the residue remaining after extraction of the oil from the whole sunflower seed by a mechanical extraction process.

Sunflower Meal, Solvent Extracted — Obtained by grinding the residue remaining after extraction of most of the oil from the whole sunflower seed by a solvent extraction process.

Sunflower Seed — Seed of the Helianthus annus L.

Sunflower Seed Expeller, Partly Decorticated — By-product of oil manufacture, obtained by pressing seeds of the sunflower from which part of the husks have been removed.

Sunflower Seed, Expeller, Decorticated — By-product of oil manufacture, obtained by pressing from seeds of the sunflower.

Sunflower Seed, Extracted, Decortictated — By-product of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction from seeds of thes unflower from which part of the husks have been removed as far as possible.

Supplement — A feed used with another feed to improve the nutrient balance or performance of the total.

Sweet Potato — Ipomoea batatas (L.) Poir.

Sweet Potato Chips / Meal — Product obtained by crushing or grinding dried, clean tubers of sweet potato.