

Lupins in aquafeeds

Information and papers on lupins in aquafeeds

Lupins in aquafeeds

European interest is growing in the use of lupins as a source of home-grown protein in animal feed in Europe. The UK  Department of Agriculture, DEFRA is sponsoring a five-year project that is investigating the viability of the legume, which has a  crude protein level of 30-40  percent, as  a direct replacement for soybeanmeal.

The Australian website has a great deal of information about lupins in aquafeeds. These downloadable documents (PDFs) can be found on a page dedicated to lupins in aquaculture:
Assessment of the nutritional variability of lupins as an aquaculture feed ingredient
Seeding a future for grains in aquaculture feeds 3rd workshop 2005
Seeding a future for grains in aquaculture feeds 2nd workshop 2004
Seeding a future for grains in aquaculture feeds 1st workshop 2003
Lupins and grains in Aquaculture feeds