
Technical Manuals & Guides

Aquatic Food Security

The book explores food security issues using global examples to illustrate both strengths and weaknesses within the existing aquatic food supply chain.

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Food security is a complex issue where the role of the aquatic food supply chain is not well defined. While there are a number of good scientific papers available covering aspects of food security, a single book exploring the issues from production to consumption does not exist.

Filling the gap, Aquatic Food Security explores these issues using global examples to illustrate both strengths and weaknesses within the existing aquatic food supply chain. It covers topics such as the role of intensification in global aquaculture production, the importance of nutrition and selective breeding, diseases and public health considerations, the role of markets and of processing and retail sectors and quality issues in our global seafood.

This is already an area of vital importance and it will increase in importance as the aquaculture industry grows for the foreseeable future. It is in fact the fastest growing food production sector globally and has started to surpass some sectors of terrestrial animal farming.

The editors, Dr Margaret Crumlish and Professor Rachel Norman, are qualified experts who teach food security and sustainability at the Institute of Aquaculture of the University of Stirling. For this publication, they brought together an international team of authors with diverse expertise in various areas of aquaculture and food security.
