
Technical Manuals & Guides

Development of a Supplemental Fish Feed and Fertilizer from Fish Processing Waste for Island Farmers and Small Businesses for Sustainable Aquaculture and Agriculture - Training Manual

An training manual that demonstrates how a simple, semi-moist, stable fish feed and liquid fish fertilizer can be made by small farmers, using simple, off-the-shelf, inexpensive and easily obtained equipment, suitable for island communities.

Development of a Supplemental Fish Feed and Fertilizer from Fish Processing Waste for Island Farmers and Small Businesses for Sustainable Aquaculture and Agriculture - Training Manual

This manual was developed as part of the project "Development of a Supplemental Feed and Fertilizer from Fish Processing Waste for Island Farmers and Small Businesses for Sustainable Aquaculture and Agriculture" and funded by Fisheries Development and Utilization Research and Development Grants and Cooperative Agreements.

