The FAO has released the Guidelines for Sustainable Aquaculture (GSA), the first global normative instrument dedicated entirely to aquaculture. They were developed by FAO and its members and can help achieve the targets set by the FAO Blue Transformation Roadmap 2022-2030.
The GSA were prepared at the request of members in an inclusive, transparent and participatory manner under the guidance of the Sub-Committee on Aquaculture of the FAO Committee on Fisheries. The GSA offer a comprehensive framework for the management and development of sustainable aquaculture and are designed to support members and other stakeholders in the implementation of the 1995 Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries.
The GSA were created in response to the rapid expansion of aquaculture, the fastest-growing food production sector in the world, driven by scientific progress, technological innovations and investment, amid a consistently increasing global demand for aquatic foods. However, as with all food production sectors, this rapid growth has exposed challenges to the sustainability of aquaculture and raised concerns about potential negative impacts. The GSA provide a comprehensive framework for addressing these challenges.
Download the Guidelines for Sustainable Aquaculture here.