
Technical Manuals & Guides

ICCF guidance document on genotoxicity testing

This document guides applicants with the necessary information to conduct safety evaluations of feed ingredients.

ICCF guidance document on genotoxicity testing

The International Cooperation for Convergence of Technical Requirements for the Assessment of Feed Ingredients (ICCF) Steering Committee endorsed the guidance document on Genotoxicity Testing during its meeting on March 30, 2021. 

In 2020, an Expert Working Group composed of dedicated regulatory authorities and industry experts from the founding ICCF members was created to establish recommended approaches for the evaluation of the genotoxic potential of feed ingredients. The draft document built on the consensus of the experts was submitted for Public Consultation in December 2020. Comments from different stakeholders were received, assessed, and addressed, where applicable by the Expert Working Group, before finalizing the guidance document. 

This document guides applicants by providing them with the necessary information to conduct safety evaluations of feed ingredients. It provides an approach to how tests should be organized, as well as a description of the tests themselves. The guidance document builds on existing international guidance documents. 

Download ICCF Guidance document below.
