
Technical Manuals & Guides

Manual on quality low-cost fish feed formulation and production

The WorldFish manual aims to assist in facilitating and delivering improved technologies to formulating a balanced diet for aquaculture that promotes optimal fish growth and health. 

Manual on quality low-cost fish feed formulation and production

WorldFish and Technologies for African Agricultural Transformation (TAAT) noted that fish farmers in Africa are confronted with many challenges in producing good quality feed. These include lack of access to quality feed ingredients, low skills of fish farmers and feed millers in formulation and preparation, nutrient requirements of fish, storage and packaging, feeding management, BMPs. 

Both organizations put together the Extension manual on quality low-cost fish feed formulation and production to assist extension workers and other trainers in facilitating and delivering improved technologies to formulating a balanced diet for aquaculture that promotes optimal fish growth and health. 

Development objectives are to enhance the productivity of catfish, increase farmers’ income and improve food (fish) security and nutrition. 

Learning objectives include enhancing knowledge on how to identify local ingredients for fish feed production, acquiring experience of BMPs in formulating and producing feed for tilapia and African catfish, and building entrepreneurial skills in business plan development for sustainable low fish feed production.

Download the manual below.
