

Trends in aquaculture hatcheries: Feeds for hatcheries - 2nd session

Hatchery Feed & Management is organizing the webinar series "Trends in aquaculture hatcheries" focused on different topics of importance for hatcheries. This is the second session of a two-day webinar on "Feeds for hatcheries" with 2:14 Jan Giebichenstein, Technical Marketing Biologist at CFEED, 20:31 Neil Gervais, Managing Director at Wilfort Aquaculture, 48:53 Eamonn O'Brien, Product Manager at Skretting and 1:08:10 João Henriques, Researcher at Sparos discussing how to improve larval performance through feeds and management in both fish and shrimp.

Sponsored by Biomar, Cargill, CFEED, INVE Aquaculture, Reed Mariculture and Wilfort Aquaculture.

Moderator: Peter Bossier, Director of the Laboratory of Aquaculture and Artemia Reference Center at the University of Ghent.

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