IFFO reports that the total cumulative productions of both fishmeal and fish oil of the countries considered in its report were 6% higher during the first 11 months of 2021.
Updated data and explanations of the range of metrics used in the marine ingredients industry are now on the IFFO website.
The catch limit will be 486,500 tons and fishing activities may not exceed June 30, 2022.
IFFO reported an increase in 2021 cumulative production of fishmeal by 5% and of fish oil by 8%.
For the next season, Donau Soja forecasts an increase in soybean area in Europe due to the increase of the price of nitrogen fertilizer, with a reduction in maize area that demands more fertilizer.
The quota is 26% lower than the 2020 second fishing season with a maximum total allowable catch quota of 2.78 million tons.
The two organizations will work together to make 75% of the world’s marine ingredients supplies either certified, in assessment, in application or in the MarinTrust Improver Program by 2025.
The total cumulative productions of the countries considered in the IFFO report during the first eight months of 2021 were higher year on year, with fishmeal up by 6.5% and fish oil up by 12%.
Eighty seven percent of the soybeans processed in the EU in 2020 were sourced from regions with a low risk of deforestation, according to FEDIOL’s latest report.
The new schemes are ADM Responsible Soy, Amaggi Responsible Soy, ASC from Aapresid, PROFARM Production Standard from Food Chain ID and ProTerra Europe.
The UK published new plans to unlock the power of gene editing to help farmers grow more resistant, nutritious and productive crops.
The latest IFFO market intelligence report for January-August 2021 found reduced raw material tonnage but higher cumulative fishmeal and fish oil production compared to 2020.
EUMOFA released a study that covers fishmeal and fish oil use within a global context, market use, EU landings, EU production, and annual import/export trends.
The Indian Ministry of Commerce and Industry announced that it will allow the import of 1.2 million tons of crushed and de-oiled GM soy after soy prices hit record highs.
The first anchovy fishing season in the North-Central region ended with 2,461,568 tons caught which will produce 696,300 tons of fishmeal (87%) and fish oil (13%).
FAO’s forecast for global cereal production in 2021 has been lowered marginally in July compared to the previous month but is still 1.7% higher than in 2020 and would mark a new record high.
China’s fishmeal production remains low, driving increased imports.
Central America, South Asia, China and Taiwan are at extreme risk while the risk in North and South America is severe, according to Biomin’s review of the occurrence of major mycotoxins in the first half of 2021.
Total cumulative productions of the countries considered in IFFO’s market report from January to May 2021 were higher year on year: fishmeal up by 48% and fish oil up by 51%.
The partnership aims to increase sustainable non-GM volumes in Europe and supports European farmers in their entry into sustainable and GMO-free soy production.