The European Commission plans to gather monthly data on levels of stocks in the EU of cereals, oilseeds and rice and publish the notifications to ensure market transparency.
COCERAL forecasts the total grain crop in the EU-27+UK at 309.5 million tonnes, down from the 312.0 million tonnes harvested in 2021.
The raw material used in March 2022 by the countries considered in this report was 6% lower when compared to the same month in 2021.
The White House sent a funding request to Congress that included $500 million in incentives for U.S. farmers to boost the production of crops like soybeans and wheat.
The Ukraine government aims to harvest at least 70% of last year’s volumes in 2022, despite the war.
The Peruvian Ministry of Production established a quota of 2.792 million tons for the first anchovy season in the north-central zone, 11% more than in 2021.
During the first two months of 2022, the total cumulative production of fishmeal was down year-on-year by 11%, while the production of fish oil was higher by 12%, IFFO reported.
As commodities prices rise amid the Ukraine crisis, the U.S. planted soybean area would exceed corn planting for the second time in more than 15 years.
Producers surveyed across the United States intend to plant a record-high 91.0 million acres of soybeans in 2022, up 4% from last year, but less corn.
The authorization decisions do not cover cultivation but only the import of the GMO crops.
The report details the modern practices and advanced technologies deployed by farmers in recent years to conserve land, water, energy and other natural resources.
COPA & COGECA, FEFAC and EUROSEEDS call for a set of measures to increase domestic protein production to reduce dependency on imports, increase diversity in crop use and lower the carbon footprint.
The country has blocked agriculture traders from registering cargoes of soybean meal for export and futures for soybean meal climbed to a seven-year high.
Traders are already limiting their exposure to Russian commodities as the situation has the potential to limit supplies into 2023.
Bunge and ADM shut its offices in Ukraine and commercial shipping has been suspended at Ukraine commecial shipping ports.
DSM unveiled its 2021 mycotoxin survey results in a series of webinars and considers the global risk as severe.
FAO’s latest forecast for world cereal production in 2021 has been lifted by 2.1 million tonnes in February and now stands at 2,793 million tonnes, 0.8% higher year-on-year.
Fishmeal production increased 3.6% and fish oil dropped by almost 6%, according to the latest IFFO report.
Donau Soja and Europe Soya certified farms reported 715,000 tons of certified soya from 11 European countries after the 2021 harvest.
Global soybean production for 2021/22 has been reduced by 9.2 million tons to 372.56 million metric tons in response to lower yields in South American crops, according to USDA Oil crop outlook report.