
Event News

Aquarama 2009 on track for sell out show

International aquarium event almost sold out

Aquarama 2009 on track for sell out show

Visitors to Aquarama 2009, the international ornamental aquatic industry meeting, can expect to see displays of the latest fish, invertebrates and aquatic plants on offer to the international aquarium trade. It will also include a specially designated area with 1,500 tanks set aside for the highly prestigious and unequalled range of Aquarama competitions featuring fish, invertebrates, aquatic plants, ponds and water gardens.

Aquarama will also have on show a vast array of all manner of dry goods and services, from water treatments, to foods, to pumps and filters, to medications, to packing equipment, to lighting, to aquaria, to ponds, and every other type of aquatically-related product on the market, including the very latest models.

Aquarama will feature pavilions from Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Taiwan, Singapore and OFI.

The organizers of Aquarama 2009 report the trade show is already almost 80% sold out.

There will also be a seminar program of presentations on fish health, aquatic plants, ponds/water gardens and marines from a panel of respected international speakers.

Aquarama 2009 will be held on 28 - 31 May 2009 at Suntec Singapore.

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