
Event News

The 11th Annual Dan Popper Symposium - Eliat, Israel

The 11th Annual Dan Popper Symposium will be held on February 18, 2010 at the Ben–Gurion's campus in Eilat

The 11th Annual Dan Popper Symposium - Eliat, Israel

The 11th Annual Dan Popper Symposium will be held on February 18, 2010 at the Ben–Gurion's  campus in Eilat. 
As in previous years, the symposium will be organized jointly by the National Center for Mariculture (NCM), Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research (IOLR) and the Society for Aquaculture and Marine Biotechnology (SIAMB).
This one day conference offers a unique opportunity to convene researchers, students, fish farmers and others persons engaged in aquaculture. Results of recent research, as well as general information and innovative ideas will be presented, shared and discussed with the participants. We hope that this meeting will generate joint R&D ventures and collaborations in the field of modern aquaculture technology between colleagues in Israel as well as elsewhere.

The First Session will be dedicated to the late Prof. Ilan Paperna who died on March 28, 2009.

Additional sessions will include lectures on a variety of aquaculture issues such as fish reproduction endocrinology, growth, food chain, nutrition, pathobiology, physiology, genetics, integrated mariculture systems, aquaculture system engineering, water quality and environmental aspects of marine aquaculture.

Prizes will be awarded to the authors of two outstanding posters. Lectures and posters will be presented in Hebrew and/or in English.

Persons interested in presenting a lecture or poster are requested to send an abstract no later than the 15th of December 2009, to:

Dan Popper Symposium Organizing Committee
P.O. Box 1212 Eilat 88112 Israel
Or to George Kissil,