
Event News

XXI International Symposium on Fish Nutrition and Feeding ends with successful attendance

The venue of the forthcoming ISFNF 2026 was announced during the event and will be Darwin, Australia.

Credits: ISFNF

Held in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico from May 27-31, 2024, the XXI International Symposium on Fish Nutrition and Feeding, Blue and Green Aquafeeds: Challenges and Opportunities for a Sustainable Aquaculture (ISFNF 2024), successfully concluded with the participation of 303 delegates and students from 37 countries, including Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Denmark, Faroe Islands, Finland, France, Greece, Guatemala, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Malta, Mexico, Netherlands, Nigeria, Norway, Peru, Philippines, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, Taiwan, Tanzania, United Kingdom, United States of America, and Vietnam, highlighting the globally-oriented nature of the symposium.

Outstanding keynote lectures included Protein and oil sources from circular economy by Dr. Luisa Valente, Optimizing fish diets: a comprehensive review of nutritional requirements by Dr. Aires Oliva-Teles, A complex new world for ingredients in aquaculture by Dr. Lukas Manomaitis, and Economic and societal changes that shape our industry; past, present and future by Dr. Ester Santigosa.

Technical sessions addressed pivotal aspects of aquaculture nutrition, such as Protein Sources, Lipid Sources, Nutrients and Functionality, Comparative Nutrition, Environment and Nutrition, Health, Nutritional Frontiers, and Additives, each filled with insightful presentations.

A total of 110 posters, a fundamental component of the program, were featured in three poster sessions, providing a platform for discussions and exchanging ideas among attendees.


Credits: ISFNF

The ISFNF 2024 also featured an exhibit show with dsm-firmenich, the gold sponsor of this event, and sopropêche, where producers and researchers met directly with industry suppliers and the aquaculture press.

Additional sponsors of the event included USSEC (U.S. Soybean Export Council), NARA (North American Renderers Association), Zinpro, Excelling, IFFO, Lucta, Adisseo, and Texas A&M University, Department of Ecology and Conservation Biology.

The outputs of the ISFNF 2024 included a Book of Abstracts with background information, a conference program and session descriptions. In addition, the publication of a special issue of selected works is being sought in the journal Aquaculture (Elsevier).

Other highlights of the ISFNF 2024 were the student cash awards for best poster and oral presentations selected by the Scientific Committee, awarded to the best three places of each category.

The ISFNF 2024 International Scientific Committee also had the opportunity to convene during the course of the Symposium, where decisions on the way forward were made, including changes in the Board of Committee members, and the announcement of the venue of the forthcoming ISFNF 2026: Darwin, Australia.