The Lagos state government plans to establish the Lagos Aquaculture Center of Excellence in Igbonla, Epe to boost the aquaculture industry in the state through the production of 2,000 tons of fish annually.
The company signed an electricity supply contract with the Norwegian energy producer, Statkraft, that will cover the electrical demand for all Skretting operations in the country until 2025.
The renamed BAP Farm Standard replaces Issue 2.4 of the BAP Finfish and Crustacean Farm Standard and now covers all eligible fed aquaculture species. The public comment period expires on September 26.
Shrimp, tilapia and tropical marine finfish standards and related guidance documents were translated into Indonesian to help more farmers in the country work towards more responsible practices.
With the new portable EWOS SalmoNIR technology, salmon farmers have immediately available data on fat content, pigment, omega-3 and other important parameters from live fish to inform their farm management in real-time.
The EFSA has opened a public consultation on its draft guidance for helping applicants establish if small particles including nanoparticles may be present in food and feed products.
The Ministry of Production (PRODUCE) reported that the first 2020 anchovy fishing season in the north-central region completed 96.7% of the assigned quota, meaning a catch of 2.3 million tons.
The Ecuadorian shrimp sector announced a serious contraction in its production and exports as a result of the market crisis and reduced demand.
The Pakistani government has been working on a pilot project to convert locust into poultry feed and plans to test it in fish feeds as a measure to provide revenue to farmers hit by locust swarms.
This case was part of a set of complaints that Sernapesca filed against companies that produce and commercialize fishmeal from the Biobío region that ended with more than 7,500 tons of fishmeal seized.
The federation introduced a new logo and website and also announced that the XXIX Congress will be held from September 24 – 25, 2020 in Antwerp, Belgium as a physical event.
Folium Science partnered with fish nutrition experts to test Guided Biotics® technology, a feed solution that targets specific pathogens and can replace antibiotics.
Constance Cullman and Mallory Gaines were appointed to serve on the U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service’s Agricultural Policy Advisory Committee (APAC) and Agricultural Technical Advisory Committee (ATAC) for Trade in Animals and Animal Products, respectively.
The Scottish Aquaculture Innovation Centre has opened an ongoing rapid-response funding call to support Scotland’s growing aquaculture sector through the continuing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Charoen Pokphand Foods PCL (CPF) is developing “Aquaculture 5.0” shrimp farm in the USA that can be cultured anywhere, any time of the year and that will use feeds made from ingredients which are all sustainable, being neither marine meals nor soybeans from sensitive areas.
Since 2013, Soja de Portugal group and its commercial aquaculture brand, Aquasoja, is one of the associate members of BCSD Portugal - Business Council for Sustainable Development.
REACT-FIRST will obtain critical data about cost, digestibility, nutritional quality and carbon footprint of single-cell protein, ProtonTM, produced by Deep Branch, used in fish and poultry feed.
China has suspended imports from three Ecuadorean shrimp producers after detecting coronavirus in recent shipments.
A team of researchers found that yeast-based MOS bolster the gut and skin mucosal barriers of seawater Atlantic salmon reinforcing skin response to sea lice.
A U.S. $3-million project will develop a scalable and deployable carbon-negative bioreactor system to capture carbon dioxide from power plant flue gases to produce microalgae.