

Former EU Commissioner to Speak at Alltech Symposium

Dr. David Byrne, former EU Commissioner for Health and Consumer Protection,will be the keynote speaker at Alltech’s 21st International Feed Industry Symposium

Dr. David Byrne, former EU Commissioner for Health and Consumer Protection,will be the keynote speaker at Alltech’s 21st International Feed Industry Symposium, May 23-25, in Lexington, Kentucky, USA. Dr. Byrne, who has spoken via video link at past symposia, will discuss the area of ‘Food safety, front and centre, the consumers ultimate concern: How traceability, both globally and nationally, needs to become every company's mandate’.

His participation will enrol him to a prestigious list of past Alltech Symposium keynote speakers that includes former US Secretary of Agriculture, Dan Glickman and McDonald’s Senior Director for Social Responsibility, Bob Langert.

As  the  first  European  Commissioner  for Health and Consumer Protection, Byrne’s responsibilities included:Developing policies on food safety, public health and consumer
protection; Planning European response to food crises, such as BSE, Foot and
Mouth and health threats such as SARS;Ensuring compliance with existing food law; Forming agreements with trading partners of the EU to ensure mutual adherence to food safety regulations; Regulating GMOs in the EU; Developing and implementing a new EU Health Strategy and Programme; Developing a strategy on bio terrorism and Promoting consumer confidence in e-commerce and cross border trade.

“David  Byrne has a unique insight into what the consumer wants and how we as  the  feed industry need to respond to that,” said Alltech President Dr.Pearse  Lyons.  “He  will  bring  with  him  an  in-depth  knowledge of the challenges the agricultural community is facing,” Lyons continued. 

In  addition  to  the  general  sessions, Alltech’s 21st International Feed Industry  Symposium  includes  seven  individual species meetings including Dairy  & Beef, Equine, Pig, Nutrition, Poultry, Companion Animal Nutrition, Food & Human Health and Aquaculture.

For  further information, please contact your local Alltech representative,or log on to