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Seabass fry producer achieves increased production stability by switching to GEMMA Micro
August 26, 2013
Feeding GEMMA Micro to seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) larvae instead of the traditional feed of newly-hatched Artemia metanauplii results in juveniles of the same, consistently high quality while increasing production consistency by significantly reducing costs per million fingerlings, according to a pioneering French hatchery.
NORWAY - New aquaculture revolution?
August 16, 2013
A lot needs to happen to threaten the hegemony of the net-based production concept in salmon farming, a new report from Nofima shows. In the long term, more efficient land-based aquaculture can come close. The scientists also see that land-based aquaculture in countries with low production costs may be somewhat of a threat.
Shrimp in a crimp
August 16, 2013
The decade-long boom of the shrimp aquaculture industry has been halted by the outbreak of EMS, providing opportunity for new producers, says a new report by Rabobank. But for how long?
USA - Consumers pay for fraudulent mislabelling of fish in the store and restaurants
August 7, 2013
Ocean conservation NGO, Oceana, has released a new report after investigating the high price of seafood mislabeling in the United States, and the results were shocking: consumers who think they are purchasing a high-quality fish could in fact be actually getting a cheaper fish worth half the price. This report comes on the heels of a study Oceana released in February that found one-third of seafood tested across the country was mislabeled according to Food and Drug Administration (FDA) guidelines. This new report follows up on Oceana’s results by examining the economic cost of seafood fraud that is passed on to consumers who pay for a high-quality fish and receive a less expensive or less desirable species
BANGLADESH - Improving aquaculture feed in Bangladesh: From feed ingredients to farmer profit to safe consumption
July 24, 2013
A new report from Worldfish shows use of manufactured feeds in aquaculture in Bangladesh has grown rapidly over the last five years. More than 1 million tonnes of commercially formulated feeds and 0.3-0.4 million tonnes of farm-made feeds were produced in 2012, and sectoral growth is projected to increase substantially over the medium term
Sea Lice Integrated Pest Management - Multimedia Workshop
July 19, 2013
Presentations are now available for download from the Sea Lice Integrated Pest Management - Multimedia Workshop organized by The Aquaculture Communications Group, LLC, during the World Aquaculture Society meeting, Aquaculture 2013 in NAshville, TN, USA, February 21-25, 2013.
U.S. feed grain supplies edge lower on reduced harvested acreage projections
July 17, 2013
This month’s projected 2013/14 feed grain supplies are slightly lower, reflecting a reduction in harvested acres for corn and sorghum. U.S. feed grain production is projected at 370.2 million tons, down 2.1 million from a month ago but up 84.4 million tons from the 2012/13 estimate. Corn planted acres for 2013/14 are forecast to total 97.4 million acres, up slightly from the 2012/13 estimate of 97.2 million acres, and 97,000 acres larger than March producer intentions
Soybean acreage expansion, better yields are seen swelling 2013/14 stocks
July 17, 2013
USDA’s Acreage report indicated that farmers would plant a record 77.7 million acres of soybeans this year. On account of a higher estimate of harvested area, soybean production for 2013/14 is forecast up 30 million bushels this month to 3.42 billion. The additional supplies are expected to boost season-ending stocks to 295 million bushels compared to last month’s forecast of 265 million
Round Up News from
July 10, 2013
A review of recent news on in the Summer issue of Aquafeed: Advances in Processing & Formulation Summer 2013 issue.
Aerofeed OSP improves the drying process for aquafeed
July 10, 2013
Collaborating with a variety of feed processors, Bühler Aeroglide recently developed a technological advancement for the AeroFeed OS (oscillating spout) feeder that could represent the most significant step forward in final product moisture uniformity improvement to date
First Fish Feed Plant Goes Into Operation in the Maghreb
July 10, 2013
A new feed mill for Tunisia\'s largest marine aquaculture company, Rafaha Aquaculture, means it can now produce its own aquafeed at the high quality only previously available from European imported feed.
Training & Education
July 10, 2013
Short courses and degree courses in feed processing
Guide to Aquafeed Processing Laboratories
July 10, 2013
Where can you get your research feeds processed? This guide, the first of its kind, details facilities that offer feed processing services to industry.
Modern diode array NIR Saves money and improves aquafeed quality
July 10, 2013
An improved understanding of your raw materials and your process unlocks great savings potentials. By using modern diode array-based NIR, you will be able to use ingredients more efficiently and improve product quality. NIR can be used in the lab and online for real-time monitoring of the processes.
Aquaculture brings hope to the Marshall Islands
July 10, 2013
With feed at its foundation, an ambitious aquaculture project holds promise for the Marshallese, 60 years on from nuclear disaster
New research tool reveals mucosal interaction and dietary influence in fighting sea lice infections
July 10, 2013
The ability to change the mucosal tissue’s cellular response may be a key element of pathogen resistance. It further indicates that diet composition is integral in the ability of the tissue to exhibit that response, perhaps by providing essential building blocks for mucosal cell turnover.
FAO Food Outlook - June 2013
June 20, 2013
The FAO Food Outlook Team has published a new edition of Food Outlook, which incorporates many improvements, including extended coverage and a revised layout. For fisheries and aquaculture, the report says tight supply and higher feed costs for several key traded species such as salmon and shrimp are pushing international seafood prices higher. Overall supply is still growing thanks to aquaculture, with strong local and regional demand sustaining production growth in the developing countries
UK - Photosynthetic plankton genome sheds light into making fish oils
June 20, 2013
Rothamsted Research Scientistshave been part of an international consortium that sequenced the whole genome and started characterizing the genes of the ecologically important marine alga Emiliana huxleyi, or “Ehux” to its friends. “Ehux” is a coccolithophore, with an exoskeleton made of calcium carbonate. Even though the process by which the alga’s “armor” forms releases carbon dioxide, Ehux can trap as much as 20 percent of organic carbon, derived from CO2, in some marine ecosystems. Ehux also produce interesting and important fatty acids such as the omega-3 long chain polyunsaturates such as EPA1 and DHA2. Sequenced by the Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute (DOE JGI), the Ehux genome was compared with sequences from other algal isolates and the results reported in the June 12 edition of Nature
EU - The Feed Chain In Action - a FEFAC report on conpound feed topics and statistics
June 19, 2013
Following the XXVI Congress in Krakow in the first week of June, the European Compound Feed Manufacturers’ Federation (FEFAC) has published “The Feed Chain in Action”, a report on 2012 statistics and most relevant topics concerning the European compound feed and premixture industry and its contribution to a sustainable future. This report covers terrestrial animal feed production only - aquafeed is not included
2013 Sustainability Overview of Fisheries Used for Fishmeal and Fish Oil
June 8, 2013
Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP) has released their annual sustainability overview of fisheries used for fishmeal and fish oil. The overview covers the 28 principal reduction fisheries around the Atlantic Ocean and South America rated according to the sustainability assessment. The ratings are based on data publicly available in April 2013.
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