

IFFO reports increased cumulative production of fishmeal and fish oil in 2021

The total cumulative productions of the countries considered in the IFFO report during the first eight months of 2021 were higher year on year, with fishmeal up by 6.5% and fish oil up by 12%.

IFFO reports increased cumulative production of fishmeal and fish oil in 2021

The latest IFFO market intelligence report, which covers IFFO’s analysis on marine ingredient market trends, found that the total cumulative production of the countries considered in the IFFO report during the first eight months of 2021 were higher year on year, with fishmeal up by 6.5% and fish oil up by 12%.

In terms of fishmeal, Peru, Chile and India continue to be the only countries to report a higher cumulative production in 2021 for the same period in 2020. Similarly, in terms of fish oil, Peru, Chile and India are the regions that so far have managed to increase their cumulative production during the first eight months of this year.

In China, all marine fishing bans have been lifted since the end of September. As usual, the initial wild captures were mainly for direct human consumption, leaving a small tonnage for fishmeal and fish oil. Domestic marine ingredients production usually has its peak in the last quarter of the year, therefore, it is not clear yet what the local supply of fishmeal and fish oil will be this year. Despite the worldwide containers' crisis, shipments of imported fishmeal continue to grow year on year, with historically high stocks in the ports‘ warehouses. Demand for marine ingredients remains healthy.