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Innovative astaxanthin product from DSM

CAROPHYLL Stay-Pink achieves improved stability during processing and storage

DSM announces innovative astaxanthin product

Royal DSM N.V. has announced its newest innovation in carotenoids: CAROPHYLL® Stay-Pink. This concept, adapted from nature, makes a generational step in existing carotenoid technologies. The DSM technology makes use of an improved structure to protect the astaxanthin molecule.

Based on the need of today's customer, the major concern for astaxanthin is its stability during the processing and storage of feed products in which it is incorporated. With CAROPHYLLStay-Pink, DSM has developed a breakthrough technology that addresses the issue of the processing stability of astaxanthin. This unique approach leads to diminished losses during processing and storage.

Close consultation with customers made it clear that a significant innovation with this carotenoid was necessary to meet the market needs. Market pre-testing has resulted in very enthusiastic customers who recognize the product's potential to help address their needs for a more stable high quality product.

DSM is currently in the process of having CAROPHYLLStay-Pink registered in the EU as a sensory additive following the conditions of Regulation 1831/2003.
A summary of the European application, which was published on 22 May 2007, can be found on the website of the European Food Safety Authority here. Registration of CAROPHYLL Stay-Pink in other countries is also progressing. The submissions to the various authorities have been very well met and timely approvals are expected.

"With this innovation DSM once more demonstrates its strong commitment to the aquaculture market," states Jos Schneiders, President Animal Nutrition and Health. "With this second generation astaxanthin we help support DSM's goal to create value for our customers. It's a typical example of market-driven growth and innovation, one of the key pillars of DSM's strategy Vision 2010 - Building on Strengths."
