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New tool provides custom feeding tables to farmers and feed manufacturers

Sparos, in partnership with Riasearch, launched Fit Feeding Tables (FiT), a tool that applies validated scientific models to simulate a given species energy and protein requirements considering each farm growth curve.

New tool provides custom feeding tables to farmers and feed manufacturers

Sparos, in partnership with Riasearch, launched Fit Feeding Tables (FiT), a tool that provides custom feeding tables to farmers and feed manufacturers.

Each farm is unique and so is its feeding requirements. FiT applies validated scientific models to simulate a given species energy and protein requirements considering each farm growth curve. This way, the minimum feeding rate that ensures the target fish growth can be provided for each feed that is in use at the cages or tanks.

FiT can be used by farmers to optimize feeding according to its targeted growth, and feed manufacturers to generate feeding tables for feed brands that satisfy the species requirements for optimum growth or tailored for clients farm growth curves.

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