
Suppliers' News

Geelen announces price reductions

Geelen Counterflow has announced price reductions for many cooler components
April 9, 2008

Geelen Counterflow announces price reductions

Geelen Counterflow has announced price reductions for many cooler components as follows:

- Triple Grid dischargers (RS, RB, RP), except 28x38     -/- 10%
  (Note : discharger only, not entire cooler)
- Inlet valves (250, 350 and 350x600)                             -/- 10%
- Stationary and rotating distributors (0,37kW& 0,55kW) -/- 20%
- Air fans GMB (excluding motor and transmission         -/- 10%
- Fines Valves GS250, GS350                                      -/- 10%

There are small price increases as follows:
- Coolers in ATEX 22 execution                                     + € 200-500
- Clam shell valves                                                       + 10%

For more information, please contact Peter Schreursweg e-