The acquisition aims to expand Zhengchang’s international business and increase its international influence.
A floating dock in Puerto Cabulco in Los Lagos region, in Southern Chile, collapsed with approximately 288 tons of salmon feed.
Chilean researchers, together with Cargill, found that alginate-encapsulated Piscirickettsia salmonis antigens incorporated in feed allow salmon to acquire an immune response similar to that of injectable vaccines.
The company has increased the feed delivery in the region in recent years and suggests improving feed logistics to face the challenges that salmon farming is facing in this area.
The company signed an electricity supply contract with the Norwegian energy producer, Statkraft, that will cover the electrical demand for all Skretting operations in the country until 2025.
The Ecuadorian shrimp sector announced a serious contraction in its production and exports as a result of the market crisis and reduced demand.
This case was part of a set of complaints that Sernapesca filed against companies that produce and commercialize fishmeal from the Biobío region that ended with more than 7,500 tons of fishmeal seized.
The Chilean research center, which provides research services to different industry players, is currently working on several projects, including different trials for Skretting ARC Norway, DSM and countries such as Canada and Australia.
Panama small pelagics fishery is working to meet the full requirements of MarinTrust certification through an industry-led multi-stakeholder effort.
Mexican producers exported fishmeal and fish oil to 18 countries in the Americas, Europe and Asia worth $144 million.
Marine Farm, Mowi, Australis and Caleta Bay were the awarded companies with high-energy diets as the main feed strategy adopted.
With more than 17 million coho salmon and 28 million Atlantic salmon harvested, the company reached FCRs close to 1.0 when utilizing its functional and high-energy diets.
Zinpro Corporation promoted José Ramón Páez Manrique to Mexico account manager – specialty to lead the company’s expansion in the aquaculture and pet market for Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean.
Australis and Salmones Austral showed the best performance for salmon and trout during 2019 with FCR ranging from 0.96 to 1.11.
The company is performing trials to reduce the use of fishmeal and fish oil with alternative raw materials such as microalgae oil and insect meal.
The company partnered with Kaura, a Spanish animal fat and protein producer, to include these raw materials in its EWOS feed range.
As part of the company’s growth strategy, the new facility will focus on digestibility, palatability and functional additives to improve salmon production performance.
BioMar Chile, Skretting, Ewos and Salmofood are accused of maintaining an agreement to set the sale prices of salmon feed between 2003 and 2015. Ewos is likely to escape the fine for acting as whistleblower.
With 15,000 m2 warehousing space in total, complete with custom re-packaging facilities, it is expected that in coming years the company will become one of Uruguay’s biggest exporters by tonnage.
SARVAL Chile took over the business activities of Comercial Bahía SpA. The two companies are now joining forces after collaborating closely in the past.