

Glossary G-L


Gelatinized — Having had the starch granules completely ruptured by a combination of moisture, heat and pressure and sometimes also by mechanical sheer.

Germ — The seed or germinating portion of a grain.

Glume — One of a pair of bracts at the base of a skikelet.

Gluten — Atough, viscid, nitrogenous substance remaining when stach has been removed from wheaat or other grains.

Grab Sample — A single sample taken randomly.

Grains Brewers, Dried — By-product of brewing obtained by drying residues of malted and unmalted cereals and other starchy matter.

Grains, Distillers — By-product of distilling obtained by drying residues of fermented cereals or other starchy matter, or residues of cereals used in the distilling process.

Grass Meal — Product obtained by artificially drying and possibly pre-drying young forage plants, the enzymes which activate oxidation being rendered virtually inactive by the drying.

Greaves — Product drived from the residues of the manufacture of tallow and other fats of animal origin. It shall be technically free of organic solvents.

Ground Nut — Species Arachis hypogaea and other species of Arachis.

Groundnut Expeller, Decorticated — By-product of oil manufacture, obtained by pressing from decorticated groundnuts.

Groundnut Expeller, Partly Decorticated — Decorticated By-product of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction from decorticated groundnut seeds.

Groundnut Extracted, Partly Decorticated — By-product of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction from partly decorticated groundnut seeds.

Groundnut Meal — The ground product of shelled groundnuts, composed principally of the kernels, with such portion of the hull, or fiber, and oil, as may be left in the ordinary course of manufacture by a mechanical or solvent extraction process. If solvent-extracted, it must be so designated.

Groundnut, Extracted — Decorticated By-product of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction from decorticated groundnut seeds.


HACCP — Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point a control system for ensuring safe food.

Hagberg — See Falling Number.

Heated Grain — Grain with gluten characteristics impaired by overheating in storage or drying.

Herbicide — A chemical used to destroy plants.

Homoginized — Particles broken down into evenly sized globules small enough to remain emulsified for long periods of time.

Hopper — A feed bin angled towards the outlet.

Horizontal Rolls — Roller mills having rolls whose axes are parallel.


Infestation — Contamination of plant, buildings or stock by pests such as weevils, moths etc.

Ingredient, Feed Ingredient — A component part or constituent of any combination or mixture making up a commercial feed.

Intake Plant — Quay, road or railside plant used in the discharge of grain.

Irradiation — Treatment with electromagnetic radiation.


Jerusalem Artichoke Chips or Meal — Product obtained by crushing or grinding dried, cleaned tubers of Jerusalem artichokes Helianthus tuberosus L.


Kernel — The wheat grain.


Line Diverters — Hand or remotely controlled mechanism for switching strams in pneumatic conveying lines.

Linseed Expeller — By-product of oil manufacture, obtained by pressing from linseed
Linum usitatissimum L.

Linseed Meal — The meal obtained by grinding or crushing commercially pure linseed.

Linseed, Extracted — By-product of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction from linseed.

Lucerne Meal — Prouct obtained by artificially drying and possibly pre-drying medicago sativa L. and Medicago varia Martyn, the enzyms which activate oxidation being rendered virtually inactive by the dying.