

Biofuels Co-products Workshop presentations

The Aquatic Feeds and Nutrition Department (AFN) of the Oceanic Institute workshop on the use and processing of biofuel co-products in feeds for fish, shrimp, urchin and shellfish took place December 1-2, 2011: the presentations are now available online

The Aquatic Feeds and Nutrition Department (AFN) of the Oceanic Institute hosted a workshop on the use and processing of biofuel co-products in feeds for fish, shrimp, urchin and shellfish. The continuing demand for alternative energy sources is driving innovative uses of plant products as feedstock for biofuels. This means that an array of new co-products are becoming available for potential use in aquafeeds.

The Aquatic Feeds and Nutrition Department (AFN) of the Oceanic Institute, Hawai\'i, USA, has been conducting trials on a number of these co-products to determine their nutrient profiles, acceptability for inclusion in aquatic animal diets and optimal processing parameters.

The AFN department discussed their findings at a workshop held at the Oceanic Institute December 1 and 2, 2011. 

Download Agenda: Agenda Biofuels Workshop

Introduction - Dr. Warren Dominy, Director, Aquatic Feeds and Nutrition Department, Oceanic Institute. Download presentation:Workshop Intro

Biomass Crop Integration to Produce Food and Energy in Hawaii” – Dr. Bob Shleser, Founder and former Chief Technology Officer for Clear Fuels Technology Inc. Download presentation: Shleser Integrated System

Defatted Algal Co-products – Dr. F.C. Thomas Allnutt, Senior VP of R&D, Phycal. Download presentation: Allnut Phycal

Whole and Defatted Algal Co-products – Dr. Jeff Obbard, V.P., Science and Technology, Cellana LLC. Download presentation: Obbard Cellana Presentation

Whole Algae and Algal Co-product - Dr. Gerry Cysewski, Chief Science Officer, Cyanotech. Download presentation: Cysewski Cyanotech

Oil Press Cakes – Mr. Bob King, President, Pacific Biodiesel.Download presentation: King Pacific Biodiesel

Bioconversion of Biofuel Residues & Value added Co-products– Dr. Samir K. Khanal P.E., Assistant Professor, Department of Molecular Biosciences and Bioengineering. University of Hawaii, Manoa. Download presentation: Nitayavardhana Bioconversion

Value Added Co-product from Jatropha Biodiesel Production Rakshit K. Devappa  Download presentation: Rakshit Jatropha Co-product

Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) - Dr. Addison Lawrence, Professor, Texas A&M University and Drs. Dong Fang Deng, & Zhi Yung Ju Research Scientists, Oceanic Institute.  

Download presentation: Lawrence Algae Co-products  

Download presentation: Ju Defatted algae Co-products

Evaluation of Biofuel Co-products as Ingredients for Aquafeed Download presentation - Dr. Dong Fang Deng, Research Scientist, Oceanic Institute Download presentation: Deng Biofuel Co-products

Evaluation of Corn Dried Distillers Grains with Solubles (DDGS) as a Potential Alternative Ingredient for Shrimp Feeds - Dr. Addison Lawrence, Professor, Texas A&M University. Download presentation: Lawrence DDGS

Abalone (Haliotis discus hannai) - Ms. Cecilia Viljoen, R&D Director at Big Island Abalone, and Dr. Zhi Yong Ju, Research Scientist, Oceanic Institute.

Download presentation:Viljoen Abalone

Download presentation: Ju Abalone Research

Enhanced Growth Effects by Inclusion of Pond Floc to Shrimp Diets - Dr. Zhi Yong Ju, Research Scientist, Oceanic Institute Download presentation: Ju Shrimp Floc Diets

Limpets “Opihi” (Cellana talcosa) - Dr. Harry Ako, Professor Department of Molecular Biosciences and Bioengineering. University of Hawaii, Manoa and Mr. Vernon Sato, Algal Consultant. 

Download presentation: Ako Opihi 2011

Download presentation: Sato Biofuel Algae-Opihi

Extrusion Process for Aquatic Feeds - Mr. Joe Kearns, Aquaculture Processing Technology Manager, Wenger Manufacturing.Download presentation: Kearns-Wenger

Status of Oceanic Institute\'s Aquatic Research Feed Mill Download Presentation: Ostrowski-Research Feedmill

Tour of AFN Facilities and Demonstration of extruded feed using algal co-products in Shrimp, Moi, Abalone, Opihi and Urchin Feeds - Mr. Peter Hutchinson, Director, EN Hutchinson Ltd, Ward Kashiwa & Gavin Nagaue, Research Associates, Oceanic Institute.

Workshop Group Photo 12-1-11