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NORWAY - New feed from Nofima gives higher productivity in the farming of wrasse
Jan. 2, 2013
\"The Ballan wrasse is a fish that is so fussy that in some cases it would rather die than eat food that it doesn’t like. Consequently, a special feed needed to be produced that the Ballan wrasse would eat so it could grow to the desired size for transfer to the salmon farms. It’s strange how fussy a fish that munches lice off salmon can be...\"
MALAYSIA - Cargill holds first forum for Patin fish farmers in the state of Pahang
Dec. 29, 2012
Cargill launched a series of forums for fish farmers in the state of Pahang in December. At the forum Cargill shared expert knowledge on farm management practices, nutritional requirements and the export market potential of Patin fish meat with current and prospective Patin fish farmers
Dr. M.C. Nandeesha, 1957-2012
Dec. 28, 2012
The industry is saddened by the loss of Dr. Mudnakudu Nandeesha, who succumbed on December 26 to complications resulting from a severe heart attack he suffered on November 23
Donations Sought For Dr. Mudnakudu Nandeesha
Dec. 21, 2012
Prof. Mudnakudu Nandeesha, widely and affectionately known as \"Nandeesha,\" is a special officer at Tamil Nadu Fisheries University in India, 2012 recipient of the World Aquaculture Society fellow award, board chairman for the Indian Branch of the Asian Fisheries Society and Aquaculture without Frontiers, and member of GAA\\\'s Best Aquaculture Practices Standards Oversight Committee.
USA - FDA calls for public comment on Genetically Engineered Salmon
Dec. 21, 2012
DA has issued for public comment a draft environmental assessment (EA) related to the agency’s review of an application concerning AquAdvantage Salmon, a genetically engineered Atlantic salmon. FDA’s preliminary finding is that an approval of this application, under the specific conditions proposed in the application, would not have a significant impact (FONSI) on the U.S. environment. AquAdvantage Salmon is a product of AquaBounty Technologies, of Maynard, Mass.
ARMENIA - Local aquafeeds soon to be available
Dec. 19, 2012
Locally produced aquafeed will soon be available in Armenia: Manana Grain Company is constructing an aquafeed line at its mill in Yeghvard, one of the country\'s largest feed plants.
USA - Fish catch for the Atlantic Coast menhaden bait and reduction fisheries cut by 20 per cent
Dec. 17, 2012
Omega Protein Corporation, announced today that the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) has approved a 20% decrease in fish catch for the Atlantic Coast menhaden bait and reduction fisheries. The decrease is based on the 2009 to 2011 three year catch average and is expected to take effect, if ratified by the member ASMFC states, in the 2013 fishing season
AUSTRALIA/CHILE - Salmon Companies Achieve BAP Certification
Dec. 13, 2012
The Global Aquaculture Alliance congratulated salmon companies in Chile and Australia for achieving Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) certification
E.U. - Vitamin D3 safe and effective for fish, conditions apply
Dec. 12, 2012
The European Food Safety Authority has issued a Scientific Opinion on the safety and efficacy of vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) as a feed additive for fish and other animal species or categories, based on a dossier submitted by DSM
SOUTH AFRICA - Government finalizes aquaculture programSOUTH AFRICA - Government finalizes aquaculture program
Dec. 12, 2012
The Departments of Trade and Industry and Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries have finalized the Aquaculture Development and Enhancement Programme, which will assist new entrants and existing aquaculture ventures
CHINA - Greening the Supply of Chinese TilapiaCHINA - Greening the Supply of Chinese Tilapia
Dec. 12, 2012
The Aquaculture Stewardship Council has formed an alliance with two partners in China, the China Aquatic Products Processing and Marketing Alliance and WWF China, to begin to tackle the problem of how to help the world’s biggest grower of Tilapia to operate in a more environmentally sustainable way. This has been made possible by a grant of €1 million from the European Union
CHINA - Western feed history a predictor of Chinese growth
Dec. 11, 2012
China is on course to produce 190 million tons feed this year and will expand rapidly thanks to advanced technologies, Alltech predicts
CANADA - First B.C. Salmon Company Attains Two-Star BAP Certification
Dec. 8, 2012
Mainstream Canada is British Columbia’s first salmon-farming company to achieve two-star Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) certification from The Global Aquaculture Alliance.
USA - New study shows probiotics help fish grow up faster and healthier
Dec. 6, 2012
A new study by scientists at the Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology found that feeding probiotics to baby zebrafish accelerated their development and increased their chances of survival into adulthood.
E.U. - Environment: new guidelines for aquaculture and nature protection
Dec. 5, 2012
The Commission is issuing new guidelines to improve understanding of how aquaculture can be carried out inside Natura 2000, the EU-wide network of protected natural areas. The guidelines explain how best to ensure that activities related to aquaculture are compatible with EU nature legislation and Natura 2000 provisions in particular. They emphasize the significance of the aquaculture sector for food production, and highlight the key role of the Natura 2000 network in delivering the objectives of EU Biodiversity policy. The guidelines focus on the implementation of the provisions on appropriate assessment under the Habitats Directive
Zebrafish need to be given a standard feed research shows
Dec. 5, 2012
There are major differences in the mineral and vitamin content of the feeds given to zebrafish. If we want good research results we need to standardize the feed that is used
Predigested protein in feed may improve salmon health
Dec. 5, 2012
A recent study shows that salmon that are fed moderate amounts of predigested fish protein have lower levels of intestinal fat, and that this may have positive effects on their health.
NEW ZEALAND - Cawthron Institute builds new $5m high-tech laboratories
Dec. 5, 2012
Cawthron Institute has begun construction of new $5 million high technology laboratories on its Halifax Street site in Nelson
GHANA - Increased productivity in Ghana from fast-growing Nile Tilapia
Dec. 5, 2012
An improved breed of Nile Tilapia that grows 30% faster than non-improved strains is helping to increase aquaculture productivity and food security in Ghana
USA - FDA Announces 2012 Public Meetings and Comment Periods for Reauthorization of ADUFA and AGDUFA Programs
Dec. 5, 2012
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will be holding two public meetings on December 18, 2012. The topic to be discussed is proposed recommendations for the re-authorization of the Animal Drug User Fee Act (ADUFA) and the Animal Generic Drug User Fee Act (AGDUFA)
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