The Norwegian government announced that NOK 20 million ($2 million) will be allocated for research on the development of fish feed based on Norwegian raw material.
The company completed a £1.2 million investment to expand its UK facilities and initiate the company expansion in Southeast Asia with a new Singapore facility that will focus on tropical marine species.
The company received eight EU authorizations, extensions, or renewals for its microbial solutions.
The country predicts a three-fold increase in the production of aquaculture products by 2030 – up to 600,000 tons.
The federation is concerned about the potential adverse impact some of the key policy orientations included in the European Commission’s Farm to Fork and Biodiversity strategies could have on setting conflicting targets which may reduce the EU's food production capacity.
The company developed Blue IMPACT™ Aqua, the first in a series of a new feed concept that addresses the challenges faced by cage farming in the Baltic Sea area by aiming to reduce total phosphorus in the feed.
The center will expand its RAS research facilities as recirculating systems have gained importance in the salmon production in recent years.
New know-how about seaweed farming is currently accelerating the industrialization of the sector that can contribute towards climate-friendly solutions in all sorts of contexts such as aquafeeds.
The government proposed the introduction of a production tax in the national budget for 2021 on salmon, trout and rainbow trout with a tax rate NOK 0.40 per kilogram produced fish.
Piergiorgio Persona was appointed as country manager – Italy to lead the company’s strategic direction in Italy across all species and products.
10,000-12,000 liters of fish oil were spilled out at Cargill’s EWOS salmon feed plant in Florø, Western Norway.
Researchers found that higher levels of B vitamins and methionine than today’s recommendations promote growth, reduce liver fat storage and reduce mortality during smoltification.
Biomin GmbH, Lallemand SAS and Leiber GmbH will continue to fund scholarships at the University of Plymouth in a new program launched in the current academic year to give students access to expertise from leaders in the industry.
Russian Aquaculture, one of the Russian leaders in the production of Atlantic salmon and trout, announced that the company tripled its volume sales in 2019 to over 18,000 tons.
The company, through its subsidiary Northeast Nutrition Scotland, restarted the production at the former owned Skretting facility in January 2020 and re-hired 22 people, most of whom were made redundant when the mill closed last year.
With a switch to bulk marine transport, that reduces costs and the company’s environmental footprint and with a higher flexibility to meet customers demand, the company aims to be self-sufficient in Europe and maintain full control of the feed production process.
Lallemand’s probiotic bacteria BACTOCEL, the only probiotic authorized for use in aquaculture in Europe, renewed its authorization.
French retail group Auchan is introducing a trout raised on a novel feed by Skretting enriched with algal oil from Veramaris and insect meal from InnovaFeed.
The decision comes after similar moves by a number of other European supermarkets, including Supermarché Match in France which has recently introduced algae-fed salmon and trout.
Skretting and Veramaris help Supermarché Match drive sustainable seafood category with trout launch, after 12% growth success in salmon.