

Glossary C


Cake — The mass resulting from the pressing of seeds, meat, or fish in order to remove oils, fats, or other liquids.

Calcerous Marine Algae (MAERL) — Product of natural origin obtained from calcaereous algae, ground or granulated.

Calcinated — Treated at high temperature in the presence of air.

Calcium and Magnesium Carbonate — Natural mixture of calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate.

Calcium Bits (dihydrogen phosphate) (monocalcium p — Product consisting principally of technically pure calcium bis-(dihydrogen phosphates) (monocalcium phosphate).

Calcium Carbonate — Precipitated calcium carbonate, ground limestone, prepared bulk, granulated chalk, ground oyster or mussel shells.

Canola — The seed of the species Brassica napus or Brassica campestris, the oil component of which seed contains less than two percent of erucic acid and the solid component of which seed contains less than 30 micromoles of any one or any mixture of 3-butenyl glucosinolate, 4-pentenyl glucosinolate, 2-hydroxy-3-butenyl glucosinolate, and 2-hydroxy-4-pentenyl glucosinolate per gram of air dry, oil free solid. The term is derived from combining the words "Canadian" and "oil" and is a registered trademark of the Canola Council of Canada.

Canola Meal — Consists of the meal obtained after the removal of most of the oil, by a direct solvent or prepress solvent extraction process, from the whole seeds of the species Brassica napus or Brassica campestris (see Canola, above).

Carrier — An edible material to which ingredients are added to aid uniform mixing of the ingrdients into the feed. The active particles are absorbes, impregnated or coated onto the edible material.

Catalyst — Any material which speeds up a chemical reaction without taking part directly in the chemical changes involved.

Chaff — The husks of wheat grain separted during threshing.

Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) — The amount of oxygen required for the oxidation of organic or inorganic matter by a strong oxidizing agent under acidic conditions.

Chipped — Cut or broken into fragments or small thin slices.

Chlorophyll — The green pigment of plants, occuring in chloroplasts, that trap the energy of sunlight for photosynthesis.

Chloroplast — A structure within plant cells containing chlorophyll and other pigments that carry out photosynthesis.

Chock — A wedge.

Citrus Pulp, Dehydrated — By-product obtained during the manufacture of citrus juice.

Clover Meal — Product obtained by artificially drying and possibly pre-drying young clover Trifolium spp., the enzymes which activate oxidation being rendered virtually inactive by the drying. This product may contain approximately 20 per cent of grass or lucerne artificially dried and possibly pre-dried at the same time as the clover.

Co-Axial Cable — Electrical cable where the inner core is surrounded by an outer metal core separated by insulation. Usually rated at 8 ohms.

Cocoa Bean, Extract — By-product of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction from dried and roasted cocoa bean seeds Theobroma cacao L. from which as much as possible of the husk has been removed.

Coconut — Fruit of the Cocos nucifera.

Coconut Cakes or Meal — See Coprameal.

Colony — A group of bacteria arising from the multiplication of a single cell.

Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) — The collective agricultural policy of the European Union.

Compensating Weight — Part of automatic weigher used for adjustment to obtain correct balance.

Concentrate — A feed used with another to improve the nutritive balance of the total and intended to be further diluted and mixed to produce a supplement or complete feed.

Conditioner — Machine in which grain is treated with water and heat for mellowing purposes.

Conditioning — The treatment of wheat or other ingredients to bring it into optimum processing condition.

Conductivity — The property of transmitting heat, electricity or sound.

Conveying — Movement of stocks horizontally or vertically.

Conveyors — Endless bands, chains or links or continuous screws used for movement of stocks.

Cooler — A self contained unit for cooling pellets/cubes.

Copra Expeller — By-product of oil manufacture, obtained by pressing from copra, the dried kernel (endosperm) and testa of the coconut palm Cochus.

Copra Meal — The ground residue which remains after removal of most of the oil from dried meat of coconuts by either mechanical or solvent extraction.

Corn Feed Meal — The fine siftings obtained from screened cracked corn, with or without its aspiration products added.

Corn Flour — The fine sized hard flinty portions of ground corn containing little or none of the bran or germ.

Corn Germ Meal (Wet Milled) — Ground corn germ from which most of the solubles have been removed by steeping and most of the oil removed by hydraulic, expeller, or solvent extraction processes, and is obtained in the wet milling process of manufacture of corn starch, corn syrup, or other corn products.

Corn Gluten Feed — The part of the commercial shelled corn that remains after the extraction of the larger portion of the starch, gluten, and by the processes employed in the wet milling manufacture of corn starch or syrup. It may or may not contain one or more of the following: fermented corn extractives, corn germ meal.

Corn Gluten Meal — The dried residue from corn after removal of the larger part of the starch and germ, and the separation of the bran by the process employed in the wet milling manufacture of corn starch or syrup, or by enzymatic treatment of the endosperm. It may contain fermented corn extractives and/or corn germ meal.

Corn Protein, Hydrolyzed — The product resulting from complete hydrolysis of isolated corn gluten, and after partial removal of the glutamic acid.

Corpameal — The dried flesh of coconut from which the oil is extracted.

Cotton Cakes or Meals. Not Decorticated — The residue resulting from the removal of oil from commercially pure cotton seed, not decorticated.

Cotton Plant By-Product — The residue from the ginning of cotton. It consists of cotton burrs, leaves, stems, lint, immature seeds, and sand and/or dirt.

Cotton Seed Expeller, Decorticated — By-product of oil manufacture, obtained by pressing from seed of cotton belonging to the genus Gossypium spp. from which the fibres and husks have been removed.

Cotton Seed Oil, Crude — The oil produced from cottonseed only, by either the hydraulic, expeller or screw press, prepress solvent, or solvent extraction.

Cotyledon — One of the two halves of a seed; the cotyledons develop into the first two leaves of the young plant.

Crab Meal — The undecomposed, dried and ground waste of the crab, containing shell, viscera and part or all of the flesh.

Cracking — Breaking open of grain.

Creeper — A belt conveyor, or link chain with slats of wood attached which drag or carry stock along a trunk.

Crumbler — Small diameter rolls for reducing pellets to crumbs.

Cubic Capacity — Cubic feet of space occupied by one quarter of grain.