Prolific researcher and writer Dr. Claude E. Boyd, 76, is officially retiring from Auburn after more than 50 years of studying, researching and teaching aquaculture, most of them at the Alabama institution. He will continue in his role for the next two years to see his five remaining graduate students through the program, so it’ll be a “soft” retirement for the hard-working Mississippi native.
A much vaunted budget measure that was intended at addressing the environmental impact of fish farms in Maltese waters, was never implemented after lobbyists for the multi-million business weighed in. In its Budget 2015, the government had announced the introduction of a levy of 10c per kilogramme of feed used in fish farms to address the industry’s environmental impact.
At a surprise ceremony during Aquafeed Horizons Asia conference in Bangkok at the end of March, leaders from the aquafeed sector came together to recognize the contribution that Dr. Warren Dominy has made to the development of the industry throughout his more than 30-year career. Speaking on behalf of the group, Dr. Dean Akiyama, aquafeed consultant, Indonesia, told delegates at the packed technical conference that they would not be doing what they do today were it not for Dr. Dominy having established a scientific foundation for aquafeed production and nutrition. "He made aquafeed production what it is today", Dr. Akiyama said.