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NETHERLANDS - Nutreco appoints Viggo Halseth, COO Skretting, as Chief Innovation Officer, broadens aquafeed to non-salmon species
February 6, 2014
In a move to bring Nutreco closer to its core businesses, the company will divest its compound feed and meat businesses in Spain and Portugal. Nutreco CEO Knut Nesse announced the appointment of Viggo Halseth, COO Skretting, as Chief Innovation Officer to spearhead the innovation agenda.
IRELAND - 100 Per Cent of European Wheat and Corn sampled in Harvest Survey Showed Presence of Mycotoxins, most have multiple strains
February 6, 2014
Alltech recently conducted a survey of European feedstuffs from the 2013 harvest using their 37+? Program. In announcing the results, Alltech urged producers to protect their animals and their profits from the dangers of mycotoxins. The survey found that 100 percent of both wheat and corn samples analyzed contained mycotoxins, and furthermore that the presence of just one mycotoxin in a sample is the exception rather than the rule
NORTH AMERICA - True North Salmon Now Offering BAP, Three-Star Certified Salmon
February 6, 2014
True North salmon from Atlantic Canada and Maine is now certified to the Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) standards, allowing the company to offer three-star salmon. True North salmon is produced by Cooke Aquaculture Inc. - North America?s largest vertically integrated, independent salmon-farming company. Cooke has attained three-star BAP certification for its processing operations, its Northeast Nutrition Inc. feed mill and several salmon farm sites - with plans to add more farm sites, the Global Aquaculture Alliance (GAA) announce
USA -Farm Bill passes senate, ending three year process
February 5, 2014
The U.S. Senate passed the five-year 2014 Farm Bill, February 4, 2014, ending three years of deliberations. The bill has been sent to the President for signature. The American Feed Industry Association applauded the passage of the Bill.
Delousing medicine has only minor effects on Cod
February 5, 2014
A new study indicates that the in-feed delousing agent diflubenzuron is not damaging to cod
SOUTH KOREA, ITALY - South Korea and FAO team up to promote sustainable fisheries
February 5, 2014
The government of South Korea and FAO have agreed to work closely together to promote responsible fishing and aquaculture in the developing world. The cooperation program will target technical assistance, policy advice, and capacity-building to developing countries
GLOBAL - Aquaculture to produce nearly two thirds of global food fish supply by 2030
February 5, 2014
Aquaculture will provide close to two thirds of global food fish consumption by 2030 as catches from wild capture fisheries level off and demand from an emerging global middle class, especially in China, substantially increases. This is among the key findings of \"Fish to 2030: Prospects for Fisheries and Aquaculture,\" a collaboration between the World Bank, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), released today. The report highlights the extent of global trade in seafood which tends to flow heavily from developing to developed countries
USA - Texas AgriLife Extension website offers aquaculture one stop shop
January 30, 2014
From alligators to water gardens and fish to oysters, the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service new Aquaculture Fisheries and Pond Management website has those topics covered and more
USA - Marine Harvest listed at New York Stock Exchange
January 29, 2014
Marine Harvest is the first vertically integrated aquaculture company to be listed on the New York Stock Exchange
ABU DHABI - The world's marine resources cannot be treated as infinite
January 29, 2014
Major changes in how the planet\'s marine resources are managed and used are needed to safeguard global food security and ensure the wellbeing of coastal and island countries, FAO Director-General Jos? Graziano da Silva told a group of high level policymakers meeting in Abu Dhabi.
EWOS develops health feeds for salmon
January 29, 2014
EWOS has developed sophisticated health feeds that support farmed salmon through recovery from inflammatory diseases like pancreas disease (PD), heart skeletal muscle inflammation (HSMI) and cardio-myopathy syndrome (CMS). The results are improved growth and survival.
NEW CALEDONIA - Moses Amos appointed Director of SPC?s Fisheries, Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystems (FAME) Division
January 29, 2014
Mr Moses Amos has been appointed Director of SPC?s Fisheries, Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystems (FAME) Division. He will take up this position in SPC?s management team March 1, 2014
U.K. - IFFO addresses over fishing claim in announcement of development of fish oils from plants
January 29, 2014
In a letter to the editor of Britain\'s The Independent newspaper,the Director General of IFFO,Andrew Mallison, expressed concerns about overfishing being cited as a reason for Rothamsted Research to develop genetically modified plants to produce oils normally found in fish.
Draft Of BAP Hatchery Standards available for public comment
January 28, 2014
A draft of the Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) hatchery and nursery standards for finfish, crustaceans and mollusks is now available for public comment for 60 days.
USA - NOAA issues 2014 Sea Grant Aquaculture Research Program Request for Proposals
January 28, 2014
NOAA Sea Grant expects to have up to $3,000,000 available for a national competition to fund new FY\'14 marine aquaculture research projects
USA - Feedmill explosion kills two, four critically injured
January 23, 2014
Two people have been reported dead and four critically injured in an accident at International Nutrition\'s Omaha, Nebraska, feedmill on Monday. The company produces feed for all species, including aquaculture
CHINA - Skretting ARC opens research facility for shrimp and Asian fish species
January 23, 2014
Skretting Aquaculture Research Centre officially opened its new Hezhoubei Research Station in the Guangdong Province, China January 21, 2014. This new station becomes Skretting?s main research facility for shrimp and Asian fish species
E.U. - Project on organic aquaculture
January 23, 2014
a project to identify obstacles in regulations and rules that must be changed to increase the production of organic fish, has been initiated. The objective is to pave the way for increased organic aquaculture in Europe
E.U. - EFSA approves canthaxanthin in feed for ornamental fish
January 22, 2014
The red carotenoid canthaxanthin is approved by EFSA at a concentration of 100 mg/kg feed for ornamental fish in feed
FINLAND/USA - Raisio and Intellectual Ventures to patent a Finnish aquafeed invention in the USA
January 16, 2014
Benemilk Ltd, a joint venture of Raisio and Intellectual Ventures, has filed a United States patent application for a Finnish fish feed invention and is starting the commercialization of the rapeseed-oil based feed in the USA
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